another one xD

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I can remember that disastrous day 

Like it was few minutes ago. 

You’ll never know what I was about to say. 

These memories lost colors in my sorrow. 

The air filled with total madness, 

Was broken by frantic shrieks. 

I heard in them abysmal sadness 

Mixed up with tears trickling down cheeks. 

And we were fighting off the nature 

As though it is even possible to do. 

Escaping from mankind’s destiny, we ventured                                                  Our lives to save the tree of love we grew. 

Earthquake was burying people’s hopes, 

Absolving their mortal sins, 

Fiercely cutting off the slender, saving ropes 

That nobody’s ever seen. 

We saw the whole world get ruined. 

God blew it mercilessly with his breath. 

Sharp moves and speeches were so fluent. 

What is the point in razing creatures that He blest? 

I felt your hand release my wrist and I looked back. 

You grasped the brink of the profound. 

My body rushed to rescue you, there was a crack. 

I watched you falling, leaned to bloody ground. 

The agonizing yell pursued your falling 

And then came back as echo to me. 

Grief, inner fury got my feelings boiling. 

You evanesced; since then I didn’t want to flee. 

Such helpless loser, miserable coward. 

I failed; I must have died instead of you. 

High in the sky black raven hovered. 

The clouds darkened with the fatal sign he drew. 

Flash of insanity made me give up. 

What should I’ve fought for after all of that? 

It was the end of my internal world I couldn’t stop. 

My being humbly waited for the life’s sunset. 

I won’t be able to forget that frightful day. 

The haunting memories continue to caress. 

You’ll never know that I was about to say 

“I love you”; your icy lips remember kiss of death.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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