He leaned down and pecked Nova's lips gently. "It'll be nice to see your face when I wake up tomorrow," he murmured softly before leaning away from him and turning back towards the bed.

Nova tried to keep his blush back and kept his head down to hide the small of it that had escaped. He stood on the opposite of the bed Julian crawled in on, him getting underneath the covers.

Julian looked up at Nova with an amused look on his face, lifting the corner of the blankets up. "Don't just stand their like a deer in head lights. Have you never slept in the same bed as someone before?"

Nova snorted and got in next to the other boy, laying on his side. "Of course I have, don't be ridiculous."

Chuckling Julian corrected himself. "Correction, have you ever slept in the same bed as a boy before?," he asked with a smile.

Nova bit on his bottom lip again saying softly, "yes, I have."

Julian blinked at the seriousness sound of Nova's voice and decided not to push it any further. There was a brief moment of silence before Julian broke it.

"Come closer, you're to far away," he whined lightly holding his arms open for Nova.

Nova giggled softly, glad that the other boy hadn't pushed him about it. "Sorry sir." He scooted closer until he felt Julian's arms wrap around him, hugging him to his chest.

"You should be," Julian huffed quietly. He nuzzled Nova's cheek causing the smaller boy to release another giggle causing Julian to smile.

Nova laid his head on Julian's shoulder, just looking up at him with his sparkling hazel green eyes. Concentrating on Julian's thumb that was rubbing against his hip, sending a little jet of warmth through his system.

"You're so beautiful," Julian whispered with a sigh of content from his lips.

Nova rolled his eyes lightly and rested his hands on his chest, playing with the edge of Julian's shirt. "Thank you," he said quietly, glancing up at Julian shyly as he bit his lower lip gently.

Julian melted and couldn't help but lean down and pressed his lips to Nova's, causing a small squeak to leave the other boy's lips.

Nova closed his eyes though and melted into the kiss and held onto Julian's shirt gently as their lips moved slowly together.

Julian pulled back slowly, with his eyes still closed he pressed a soft kiss to Nova's forehead.

Nova let a gentle smile come onto his lips and buried his face into Julian's shoulder, hugging his waist as Julian wrapped him up in his arms more.

"Goodnight Nova," Julian whispered quietly.

"Goodnight Julian," Nova murmured against his shoulder, smiling as he slowly drifted off to sleep.


Julian let a soft smile come on his lips at the sight of Nova sleeping. He was so adorable.

Nova's hair was all over the place, but mostly covered his eyes, his soft snores blowing it slightly.

Reaching out a hand, Julian gently pushed some hair out of the smaller boy's face. He then let his fingers run lightly over Nova's jaw and trace a path down his shoulder and arm, smiling wider at the sight of goosebumps rising on the boy's skin.

Nova stirred slightly and Julian pulled his hand away as he watched the other boy's eyes flutter open.

Julian felt his heart flutter when he saw how Nova's eyes lit up when the rested on him. "Good morning," Julian said with a smile.

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