Shrugging his shoulders, Nova said, "I don't know, maybe I distracted you enough to keep you from thinking about it?"

This of course, had been Nova's plan, so he felt happy that he distracted Julian enough to keep from getting scared.

Julian didn't give it a second thought before leaning towards Nova and planting a soft kiss to his cheek.

Nova felt his cheeks turn red and he turned towards the window to hide it clearing his throat. "Why'd you do that?"

He was able to see Nova's blushing cheeks before he turned away and found himself grinning at the adorable sight. "To thank you," Julian said like it was something completely normal.

Julian settled back into his seat and closed his eyes. "I'm usually terrified of take off, but you made me forget about it," he mumbled so softly Nova almost didn't hear him as he turned back to look at Julian.

"So thank you."

And in just a few minutes Julian was out. His breathing became heavy and his body relaxed, his head falling to the side a bit.

Nova watched him for a few seconds trying to think of why Julian kept doing things like this. Kissing his cheek, getting close to him. He even thought back to the time on the beach in California. Julian got pretty jealous over the random stranger.

It didn't even cross his mind that there was a possibility of Julian liking him.

Nova then shook out his thoughts when he realized Julian looked extremely cute as he slept.

He grabbed his camera and turned off the flash so one, he wouldn't wake Julian up, and two, so he wouldn't bother anyone around him.

Nova then took a picture of Julian sleeping. He took his camera away from his face to look at the photo and smiled at it. He was really happy to get this job. Nova not only got to experience traveling all around the world, which usually only wealthy people got to do, he also made an incredible friend.

He looked back over to Julian to see him completely relaxed, his head falling to the side a bit more. Nova still couldn't help the gentle smile that came over his face.

After a few seconds of blatantly staring Nova turned to look back out the window before leaning his head against it, deciding to get some sleep himself since it was a long flight.

Julian felt affection race through his body when he woke up and realized the position he had gotten in.

Nova had somehow managed to wedge himself against the side of his chair nearest to Julian. He had his head laying against the other boys shoulder, hugging his arm a bit.

Reaching a hand down, Julian slowly brushed the hair from Nova's eyes and carefully took off his glasses that had become skewed on his face. He tucked them on his own shirt so they rested against his chest and continue to watch Nova as he slept.

Julian felt a bit creepy about just watching the smaller boy as he slept but he couldn't help himself, he was so adorable.

He heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see Mark.

Julian bit his lip, expecting him to say something about him blatantly watching Nova but all Mark said was. "We should be landing in about two hours."

Nodding his head Julian just said, "okay, thanks."

Mark just nodded and walked back to his seat. He decided that if Julian was going to be with Nova, he would do his best to hide it. No matter what would happen to him.

He cared more about Julian's happiness than his job.

The plane landed right on schedule, two hours later.

Photographing Love (BxB) (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now