Gatsby and the Runaway Beasts

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Jay Gatsby; a young and wealthy man; was walking down a New York street preparing for a party that would take place later that evening when out of nowhere some sort of grey ape ran out in front of him. He looked down the alley that he came from and then to the direction he went in. When he looked the animal had disappeared. A moment later a man with light brown hair and a blue jacket came running through and nearly knocked Gatsby down.
"Sorry, sir. Excuse me," The man said as he ran past. There weren't very many people out at that time of day. Most people were at work.
"What was that thing?" Gatsby called after him. The man didn't reply. Gatsby decided to try to catch up with the man.
"What are you chasing?" Gatsby asked with curiosity.
"It's a Demiguise." The man replied reluctantly.
"A what?" Gatsby asked again. He had never heard of one. The two were still running and then they both stopped. The man was watching something but to Gatsby, it looked like there was nothing there.
"What are you staring at?" Gatsby asked, becoming angry with the man. The two were standing at the end of an alley looking out onto the sidewalk. The man pulled Gatsby back from the sidewalk and had him against the wall.
"We have to be quiet or it'll get scared again and we won't be able to find it." The man said impatiently.
"But there's nothing there!"
"Shh, shh. Now you're going to frighten him." The man kept looking back around the corner to watch the strange and mysterious creature.
"Stay here." The man demanded. He ran around the corner with a briefcase in his hand that Gatsby hadn't noticed before. Gatsby decided to take off and get out of whatever it was that was going on. A couple moments later the man showed up again in a calmer manner.
"What was that?" Gatsby asked with an exasperated tone.
"Follow me." The man said and began to walk off. Seemingly having no other choice Gatsby followed the strange and mysterious man. The man grabbed a hold of Gatsby's arm and they apparated to a hotel room.
"W-where are we? What did you just do to me?" Gatsby asked even more confused than before. He went to take a step but found that he was somewhat dizzy. He began to tumble backward but then the man he was with caught him and brought him over to a chair to have him sit down. The man then quickly turned to his suitcase and opened it.
"Alright, you settle down. I'm coming in." He set the suitcase on the ground in front of him and stepped inside. He stepped all the way inside and disappeared. Gatsby gasped in shock. He got up from his chair feeling less dizzy but even more confused. He walked over to the suitcase and looked inside. It didn't make any sense to him. It was bigger on the inside than on the outside. The man was on the ladder into the suitcase and was looking up at him.
"Well come on," the man said. Gatsby stepped inside and looked around. The inside of the case was what looked like a workstation of someone who worked with medicines or something of the same sort.
"What is all of this?" Gatsby asked while looking at a bottle full of a glowing green liquid.
"They're potions. I'm working with creatures to find ways that they are useful so that I can show other witches and wizards why we should be protecting them."
"You're crazy. Witches and wizards don't exist. It's not possible." The man just smirked as he stood by what seemed to be a door.
"Can I show you something?" He asked and put a hand on the door.
"Sure I guess." The man opened the door and walked through. Gatsby followed close behind. As they walked through what seemed to be a Noah's Ark 2.0 they passed several... different looking creatures. The mysterious man took him around and showed him a few of the different animals. He showed him Frank the Thunderbird, which is why he came to America, to begin with. He took him to see his niffler, an adorable little thief, several occamy whose eggs are made of pure silver.
"This is crazy. This must just be a dream. This couldn't possibly be real." Gatsby said as they wandered past all of the wondrous and mysterious animals. The man just smiled.
"Would you like to meet Dougal? My demiguise." The man asked.
"Sure. I suppose." Gatsby replied. The two walked over to a hanging basket where there was a small grey creature inside.
"Hey Dougal," the man said to the creature. The demiguise crawled onto the man's shoulder just like a monkey would. He fed the creature a couple of leaves and it went back to his basket.
"What is he?" Gatsby asked after looking at the creature for a moment or two.
"He's a demiguise. He's quite tame. He can turn invisible when he feels threatened which is what happened when you saw him. He's very intriguing." As he spoke a tiny green bug, it looked like a stick bug, had climbed onto his shoulder.
"What is that?" Gatsby asked and pointed to it.
"Pickett I thought I told you to stay put. This is Pickett he's a bowtruckle. He's good for a lot of things. This one, in particular, is shy. Come on now follow me." The two walked back to the wand tree where Pickett and the other five bowtruckles like him lived.
Suddenly they both heard someone faintly say 'hello.' It sounded like a girl's voice.
"D-id you say something?" The man asked.
"No. What is it?" Gatsby asked with much curiosity.
"I thought I heard someone."
"Hello?" The voice called again.
"Who's there?" The man called and began walking toward the voice.
"I don't mean any harm." The man spoke again. Suddenly they both heard the girl scream.
"Where are you? Are you alright?" The man asked in a slightly more panicked tone.
"Get it off me! Get it off me! Please help! Get it off me please!" The girl's voice cried.
"Wait a minute. I recognize that voice. Daisy?" Gatsby called out to her.
"Gatsby? Is that you? Help me please!" By the time they had both gotten there, whatever had been attacking her had disappeared. Gatsby reached out a hand and helped Daisy up. The man looked around for one of his creatures to be out of their designated home.
"What did the thing that attacked you look like?" The man questioned.
"It was pink and it looked like a rodent. What was that thing?" Daisy asked sounding slightly dazed.
"That was a murtlap. He's relatively new to my collection. Tell me, did he bite you?"
"Not really. He scratched my hands with his teeth and claws though."
"Okay follow me." The man led them to the room that we first see in the suitcase. He grabbed a few leaves and other potions and mixed them together.
"Okay because you're a human you'll need something a little different." He grabbed a couple more things and mixed them into the past that he was creating. He then took her hands and spread the paste on them and wrapped a cloth around them.
"There we go. That should clear up in a couple days." The man said.
"Who are you?" Daisy asked.
"Newt Scamander," Newt replied.
"How do you know all of this stuff?" Gatsby inquired.
"Well, I'm a magizoologist. I study magical creatures. They're actually quite useful. I hate to have to do this but I'm going to have to ask you to leave and never speak to anyone about the things you have seen."
"W-what? Why?" Daisy asked.
"Because here we aren't supposed to let your kind know that we exist. I don't want to have to obliviate you."
"Erase your memories of ever being here or meeting me."
"You can do that?"
"You can do a lot of things in the wizarding world."
"Is there anywhere we could learn about such things?"
"No. Not for humans."
"Well, could you teach us?"
"I'm sorry I'm afraid it's not allowed in this part of the world."
"Is there somewhere it is?"
"In my homeland, we might be able to teach you a thing or two. Now we must part ways. I have a few business matters to attend to. May we meet again someday." Newt said. With that Daisy and Gatsby went up the ladder and parted ways with Newt.
A little while later Newt was wandering down the streets of New York to find an Obscurus that had been making a mess of things everywhere. He wanted to find the child that was struggling and help them. On his way, he ran into his friend Tina Goldstine.
"Newt did I see you with a couple of no-maj's earlier?"
"You obliviated them right?"
"I took care of it. Don't worry."
"I took care of it."
"Did you at least tell them not to talk?"
"How much did they see?"
"Well, they were inside my suitcase."
"What?!? We have to find them and obliviate them. There's no way they'll keep that quiet."
"Tina, please. It'll be fine. You'll see."
"Newt you know the rules."
"Fine. But right now I have more important matters to attend to."
"What are you doing that's so important?"
"I'm trying to find the Obscurus."

"Why? Let the Ministry take care of it. We need to find those two no-maj's."
"Alright fine let's go."
"What were their names?"
"Gatsby and Daisy."
"Gatsby? As in the Great Gatsby?"
"Is he supposed to be famous or something?"
"He's like the richest guy around. He's known for his parties. I think he's having one tonight. Maybe we can sneak into it."
"Do you know a way in?"
"I know a few, people. You may know one of them."

A little while later the two had figured out a way to get into the party. Their friend Jacob had recently become a friend of Gatsby's so they worked their way in with him. Once they got there, they began searching for Daisy and Gatsby. They searched everywhere then they found them in a room with three other people and they were talking about what they had seen.

"See I told you they wouldn't keep it quiet," Tina whispered to Newt, nudging him. He didn't reply.

"Why do they have to be obliviated?" Jacob asked.

"Because they saw the inside of Newt's suitcase?" Tina replied.

"But so did I."

"You're different."

"How so?"

"You didn't tell anyone."

"Well, I had you guys to talk to still."

"We need to figure out how to get closer to them. Come on let's go out to the roof." The trio made their way to the roof and they all had a drink. They leaned against a rail looking out over the city. In the distance, there was a green light glowing up onto a billboard with spooky looking eyes that looked like they were staring into your soul. The city was bright but peaceful. They spoke quietly trying to decide the best way to obliviate the now five people that they needed to. Then out of nowhere, Gatsby came up behind them. "Newt, Jacob. How nice it is to see the both of you again. How do you two know each other?" Gatsby asked. "Well, the same way you know him I suppose," Jacob replied. "Who's your friend here?" Gatsby asked looking at Tina. "I'm Tina. It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Gatsby." "Nice to meet you too Tina. Please come sit with me and my friends." The four went back into the room that they had last seen Gatsby in. He introduced him to the three friends he had in the room. Tom, who was married to Daisy and their cousin Nick. They all took their seats and began to talk together. Then Tom was called out to another room to take a phone call. Gatsby leaned over to Jacob and explained to him that Tom had another lover named Myrtle in New York and that Daisy had no idea about her. Tina decided that it would be best to obliviate them then and there since it would be a bit easier now. Tina stood up and obliviated Gatsby first, then Daisy while Newt obliviated Nick. Tina then went into the room that Tom was in and obliviated him. Once that was over Newt, Tina and Jacob left. They couldn't be remembered at all by Gatsby or his friends. Newt was forced to make an agreement with Tina to never allow anything like that to happen again. Once that was done Newt decided to do what he had come to New York to do. Find the Obscurus.

(A/N: Hey guys I hope you liked this one. There will be a Supernatural and a Once Upon A Time one both with Gatsby. I hope you enjoy them Feel free to leave comments below.)

Great Gatsby Alternative Reality Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें