Jaime I

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Tell me again why are we going beyond the Wall?, I asked.

Because we need to capture a wight, Jon Stark said, I know you think is crazy, you need to see it to believe it.

Why leaving your wife like that?, I asked, Is like your going to war.

I am going to war, Jon Stark said, your mad sister is on the throne, there is a dragon queen that wants the Iron throne and that means the north, but I won't kneel, I will show the dragon queen the real enemy.

I just hope your not taking me to my dead, I said.

You have rights to Castery rock, right?, Jon asked.

Yes, I said, why?.

You will marry the dragon queen, Jon Stark said and give her the mighty of the Westernlands.

What?, I said, she will burn first.

No, Jon Stark said, if she is like her father she will, but I don't believe that, I believe she is different.

I hope for both our lives your right, I said, or we both became dragon food. By the time we arrived at the Wall, it was dark already.

We go at dawn, Jon Stark said, get ready. Sleep well. Morning came, I woke and got ready. Jon Stark was already at the door.

Your late, Jon Stark said, come on, it's a long journey, better of you hold to your sword, white walkers can only be killed with that.

So that is reason let me borrowed it, I said.

Yes, Jon Stark, now come on.

Why Davos Seaworth didn't acompany us?, I asked.

He doesn't want fight, Jon Stark said, he told me he sucks at sword fighting. As we go deeper North, I started to get a bad feeling.

Something is watching us, I said.

I know, Jon Stark said, we have company, get ready!. The wildings that decided to acompany us drew their weapons. Then I saw it, dead man walking, skeletons, man that were missing bones, skin's, fingers, nose, eyes. I feel a little kid in that moment, but what really scared me, was the white icy creature, the eyes blue as the sea, representing dead itself. Seven hells!!!!, I drew my sword, as I started to cut down the dead creatures, icy creatures, that could only be a white walker was coming towards me, ohh please don't fail me hand, as I block the attack of the white walker, I dodge his next attack and slash it, shattering it to pieces, but something strange happened, as all the dead creatures fall down.

What just happened?, Jon Stark asked.

I don't, I said, I just kill one of the White walkers.

Well, now know what to do, I said.

Look!!!, said a wilding, there is one alive!!!.

Caught it!!, Jon said. We all jumped on the creature. We need to get to East watch now!!!!. We can't stay here any longer or we are dead meat. Run!!!!. We run as fast as we could, the dead where everywhere. We cut thrown them, killing every dead we could, but they were still coming, but we didn't give up, I was carrying the dead, as the last one was dead, from the ten men we went, only I and Jon Stark reamained and we finally arrived to East watch by the sea, now I know who the real enemy is and is not a dragon queen or a mad queen or a Kraken, is the dead.

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