"Good! That's great! Come with me!" Midoriya threw on his uniform shirt as fast as he could. He grabbed my hand and raced me out of the room.

"W-Wait Midoriya!" We stopped abruptly causing me to run into the back of Midoriya.

"O-Oh m-my bad.Sorry kinda got excited." Izuku's sudden cheery attitude turned into a shy one. He let go of my hand and used it to rub his shoulder nervously.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to yell like that, but you just rushed me out of the room and I needed a sec to catch my breath. So why the sudden excitement? I'm still mad about the shirtless incident you know!" I didn't mean to make him feel bad, but he still needed to be scolded.

"I told you I was sorry!"

"No you didn't!" He took a second from our debate and remembered the whole skit we just went through. He turned red with embarrassment after memorizing the whole thing.


"What was that?" I could clearly hear him but I felt like teasing him.

"I said sorry!" turning more red with his own outburst he quickly averted his gaze. I gave a big smile and tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"That's better! Now what did you want?" He rubbed that back of his neck as he stared the ceiling his cheeks a shade of red.

"W-Well I wanted to take you to the mall and buy you something to show you I was sorry. I understand you don't wanna see me naked so I thought I needed to make it up. Is that weird?" He said finally looking me in the face. I turned slightly red at the thought of his naked torso, but why did he want to buy me something? That seemed like a bit much for just seeing him shirtless.

"You don't have to do that, seeing you shirtless wasn't the worst thing in the world." I saw his face fill with joy as he put his hand to his chest and let out a sigh of relief. I quieted my voice and let out another comment, "Honestly seeing that sight again would be a good enough gift."

"What was that?" He asked leaning forward to hear me better.

"N-Nothing! Come on jerk, let's just go and have dinner or something!" I yelled at him as I pulled him by the wrist making our way for the gates of U.A. What was that? Why would I say something so stupid?! I'm gonna make that lech take me to the most extravagant place I know! How could he make me think something so stupid?

"Kendo?!" Midoriya yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

"W-What? Sorry I zoned out for a bit. What did you say?"

"I said, 'Where do you live again?'. I don't wanna go to the mall in these uniforms so we're gonna change into casual stuff. So please lead me to your house."

"O-Oh yeah, no problem." I said getting my mind out of the gutter. I realized my hand was still around his wrist so I snatched it back. I brought my hand up to my chest and felt my heart beating irregularly fast. What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so hot?

"A-Are you excited for this weekend? I mean not only is it Friday, but we got out of school a couple hours early. Isn't that great? I don't particularly have any plans, w-what about y-you?" Midoriya struggled to keep a conversation, but the thought was nice. My body started getting increasingly hot.

"N-Not really, j-just chores and TV probably. Normally I hang out with my girl-friends but they were all busy this weekend so I got nothin-" Before I could finish my sentence my feet gave way and I feel onto Midoriya's stiff shoulder.

"W-Whoa Kendo-san are you alright?" Midoriya dropped to his knees along with me. He moved the back of his hand to my forehead, upon contact he jerked his hand back. "Jeez! You're burning up!" he got up and walked in front of me and crouched with his back facing me. I started panting faster, I had felt fine until a few seconds ago and now I was on fire. My clothes felt hot and constricting, my breaths were irregular and fast pace, and my cheeks were a dark red. I pushed him away  and tried standing up on my own. My strength escaped my body quickly leaving me unable to walk, so instead of walking I fell flat on Midoriya's back.

"S-Sorry for the.... inconvenience." I huffed out with my breath getting faster and faster.

"It's no problem just stay quiet for a sec please." He stood up and some of his hair fell right in front of my face. I readjusted my head to where my ear was against his back and my eyes away from the hair. I felt him shift his head side to side until I felt a rush surge through my body.

I blinked a couple of times before realizing we weren't at U.A anymore. Instead we were in an unfamiliar room. Midoriya walked down a hallway and took a turn. He opened the door and gently set me down on a seat until I heard some water running. "Alright I'm gonna be right back with some clothes, put your uniform in the hamper and I'll take care of it." His voice sounded confident and strong. It sounded like if he was there I would be safe, and all would be alright. Doing what I thought was best, I grabbed his hand.

"Please don't go."

A/N Pretty good right? I thought so, anyways but the next chapter I plan on getting out on Friday. I know this was really short compared to most of the other chapters but that's just how it turned out. Please tell me if this was worth the wait and one more thing, please tell me what you want me to update this weekend. I have a lot of free time so the one I update on the weekend will be fairly long and have a lot of effort put into it. So leave a comment on what you want and I'll get started! Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon!

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