Chapter 1: Him

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Attention whore.
He pisses me off so much. He's annoying and constantly talking about himself and how much he hates himself. He's such an attention seeking maniac.
'I'm such trash.'
'Boo-hoo! Look at me! I'm so sad!'
'I hope I die of self loathing.'
He pisses me off...
It pisses me off that we used to be friends... 'Cause, he's...Him.
Nagito Komaeda.

He's so fucking amazing.
I love watching him with his other friends. He cares so much about them and always keeps them happy. He's so wonderful with them.
I'm so glad he was able to be friends with someone like me.
A handsome mess of a boy who could not care less what others say.
Such a social insider.
'We'll be best friends forever.'
'You've got that wrong. I do care.'
'Go out with me.'
'I love you Chiaki.'
It may hurt to see him with her but that's okay, I don't deserve him anyways. But... I love him.
Hajime Hinata.

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