The beginning of the end

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She is enchanting.
She is a delicate flower so fragile and beautiful.
I have to make her mine.
No I need to make her mine.

Harry Pov 1

It was a cold and wet morning, but that was nothing new for us here in England. I was going to the shopping centre on this particular day, after spending quite a bit of time getting ready I then left my house.
Stepping out into the cold my fingers felt numb and I was freezing, so I ran over to my car and got in turning on the heat before setting off to the location.

After shopping around for a while I decided to take a break heading into the closest coffee shop. Upon entering the establishment I bumped straight into someone they fell over "oh shit s-sorry" I stuttered then proceeded to extend my hand to help the person up, as my eyes traveled up and met theirs suddenly my mouth was agape  She was breathtaking.

_________Hey loves _________
If there is any mistakes please let me know and I hope you enjoyed this snippet of the story it will get better don't worry I have a few chapters waiting but I'm not sure if they are good enough to publish so please be patient thanks.

Harry is my daddy back off girlies

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