What happens..

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Shuichi then realised about the cameras in the room, and started to pull away. Kokichi let him.

"What's wrong?" Kokichi sighed, disappointed.

"It's just that there are cameras in here..." Shuichi stuttered.

"Of course, how could I of not seen that?" Kokichi realised.

Kokichi ran around the room, covering all the cameras with pieces of his own clothing until he only had a shirt and boxer shorts left. Kokichi looked at Shuichi who was out of breath.

"Already out of breath? That's not a good sign." Kokichi laughed.

Shuichi was breathing extremely heavily because he knew what could of happened if he hadn't of told Kokichi about the cameras. And now, Kokichi was basically down to his underwear. It was just getting way too real. "I don't know if I can do this."

Kokichi sighed and sat down next to him. "We could be stuck in this place for ages Shuichi and at the moment, you're the only person who puts up with me, let alone nearly slept with me." Kokichi replied, shyly.

Shuichi took a deep breath and said the truth. "Listen, I have bad anxiety and Kaito is helping me through it but you really don't want to be involved with someone like me, I'm sorry..."

Kokichi just looked at Shuichi and smiled. "Yeah, I do."

This made Shuichi's heart pound and make him act on impulse. This time however, it was Kokichi who was the nervous one. Shuichi pushed Kokichi onto the bed and started kissing him with Kokichi kissing back this time. It was nerve wrecking for the both of them but exciting at the same time.

"I sure hope these rooms are sound proof.." Kokichi joked.

Shuichi laughed but was so caught up in the moment to stop. He started removing his clothes which just made the situation so much more real.

"You aren't going to regret this are you?" Kokichi asked, nervously.

"No, this is what I want. It's probably a stupid thing to do but I'm too tired of logic." Shuichi replied, reassuringly.

"That's all I needed to hear." Kokichi smirked.

Shuichi started to advance.
... ...
... ... ...

The next morning.

Shuichi's room was tidier than expected from the events of the night before, both of them were still in Shuichi's bed, cuddling. They really needed to get dressed and meet everyone else for breakfast to stop people from suspecting too much and Shuichi knew that. Shuichi clambered out of his bed, gathered his old clothes up from the floor and put them in a washing basket. He went to get a new set when Kokichi woke up. "Hey Shuichi, where are you?" Kokichi yawned.

"I'm getting some new clothes" Shuichi shouted back, "You're gonna have to wear the ones from yesterday."

Kokichi didn't care. He was just happy. He finally had everything he wanted and it didn't look like Shuichi was going anywhere anytime soon. "Hey Kokichi, get up." Shuichi instructed.

"But I'm warm." Kokichi moaned.

Shuichi rolled his eyes, finished changing into his new set of clothes and started to walk towards the door. "Where ya going?" Kokichi shrugged.

"I'm going to breakfast." Shuichi replied, raising an eyebrow at Kokichi.

"You aren't going to leave me are you?" Kokichi sighed, pouting.

"I'm hungry, I'm going." Shuichi laughed.

"Fine, wait up. I'll go to." Kokichi sighed before getting up, collecting his clothes and getting changed. Within about 5 minutes, they were both ready to go.

"Shuichi?" Kokichi asked


Kokichi kissed Shuichi nicely, making him blush.

"What was that for?" Shuichi asked, sheepishly.

"I just wanted to tell you that you mean the world to me" Kokichi smiled, "Plus, it's hilarious to see you blush!"

"Way to spoil the moment, Kokichi" Shuichi smiled before the pair left the room.

They didn't remember that all the dorms were on one floor, in one open area. And anyone could see who was going into or out of each room if they were there at the time. And of course, as fate would have it, as Shuichi and Kokichi left Shuichi's room, Kaito left his.

Shuichi didn't notice that Kaito was there but Kaito saw him. Kaito went to greet Shuichi to ask him why he wasn't at training yesterday as he started walking up to him, he saw Kokichi come out of the room along with him. Kaito immediately stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the pair of them.

"Shuichi...and...Kokichi?!!" Kaito accidentally shouted, extremely loudly.

Shuichi and Kokichi turned around, looking startled. When they saw Kaito, their eyes lit up with fear and shock.

"Shit..." Shuichi thought as he knew Kaito was going to find out and after that, everyone else would to.

Locked in - OumaSai - COMPLETEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin