the arrival

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Emma's POV

"it is so great to be back"i said "Emma!" Lou yelled we run towards each other in slow motion for dramatic effect "for two people excited to see each other they are running really slow" i heard Zuri says."i missed you so much" Lou said"i missed you more" i said then Zuri came up and Lou said "the woodchucks are all together again" then we did the woodchuck salute and then Lou said "and great job at remembering the salute"started talking to us Lou said to Zuri "nice hair" Zuri said"thanks" then i heard a very similar voice then i turned around and see Alex and lissa i yell"Alex lissa over here"

Alex's POV

I heard my name across the lawn when lissa and i  were at the sign-in table and i turned around and saw Emma and zuri so lissa and i walk over to them and talk "you guys didn't tell us you guys were coming to camp oh and this is my other best friend Lou"Emma said"well we only knew at the last minute so we really didn't have time to tell you but i am so glad that we know some people"i said then some guy came up behind Emma and scared her and she pepper sprayed him in the eyes. then he said"ow! ow! that burn's" then i said "your lucky she didn't bring her taser" the Emma said "Xander i'm so sorry" oh so that's his name ok then Lou said"Never sneak up on a city gal, or a cow during matin' season.They're jumpy." then xander and Emma hugged and Emma said"I'm so happy to see you! You look great!" then xander said "Thanks, and you look blurry."

Ravi's POV

i go into the cabin and see jorge  he says"Time to unpack!" then he throws his clothes every where then i say"Jorge, even Mrs.Kipling has folded her clothes." he then looks at mrs.Kipling and says "neat freak" ten xander walks in and says"Hey, guys.Oh, we're getting a new Grizzly.His name is Griff, and the state has sent him here as part of their nature rehabilitation program." then i say "Oh, so he is a juvenile park ranger?" then he says"No, he's a juvenile delinquent." then jorge says"What?" then i say "Are you saying our new bunk mate is a miscreant?" then xander says"No! Maybe.I don't know what that is." then jorge says "You know, I did hard time once. It was on this really uncomfy chair in the corner. Longest five minutes of my life." then i say "And I am not sure that I wish to bunk with a hardened criminal." then xander said"Ravi, relax! Griff is only 12 years old.How tough can he be?"

Griff's POV

i walk in too a camp cabin and saw three boys two looked like they were about 16 and the other one looked about my age"What up, cell mates?" the gourd was looking for the key to the handcuffs but i toke it so i said" I got this." then i unlocked the hand cuffs and said"You missed this key when you frisked me, rookie." then i gave the gourd the handcuffs but the key in my pocket and then took out the gourds walit and said"Oh, and, uh, here's your wallet! You've gotta retake that license picture.Yikes!"then the taller guy said"I'm guessing you're Griff." then i aid to him"Yup, and I'm ready for my pat down.But watch it, I'm ticklish." then the shorter one said"We do not do pat downs at summer camp." then the one that looked about my age said"Well, Gladys did once.Now the pizza guy won't deliver here anymore." that remined me of juvie"we had pizza in juvie.And when it got stale, you could use it as a shiv!" so then xander said"Way to see the glass half full."

Alex's POV

i walked with emma,zuri,lou and lissa to woodchuck cabin i saw a girl sitting on the portch that looked like she had seen a monster so emma saidto her"Tiffany? What happened?" then lou sid "Duh! Nine months at home with her mom.We should have hidden her in the forest like she asked!" then zuri said Oh, man, now I'm going to have to de-program her all over again.Tiffany, homework, bad.Goofing off, good." then tiffany said "It's not my mom! It's worse! And it's in there!"then lou grabed a net "Oh, it's probably just a cute woodland critter.I got this." she then opens the cabin door and then the girl emma cant stand is hazel was in there and she said"Hey, bunk mates!" then lou said"We're gonna need a bigger net.And some silver bullets."then zuri said to the girl Hazel, what are you doing in our cabin? I thought they fumigated it." then she said "It's my cabin now."Since I'm head counselor, Gladys told me I could transfer myself to Woodchuck Cabin.So Lou, you're now the counselor of Weasel Cabin."then lou said"What? No! Why? I will not leave my Chucklets!" then zuri said" But, Hazel, you love Weasel Cabin!" then lou said You've always been a Weasel! When you were born, the doctor said, "Congratulations, it's a Weasel!" then she said Well, not anymore, because the new crop of Weasel campers are freaks!"then emma said" And that's coming from her!"then hazel said "So they're your problem now, Lou.See ya! And take your cluck-a-doodle-doo alarm clock with you."

(outside on the great lawn)

i was watching people play kickball but i was focsed on one he was really good i could her xander and ravi talking to jorge and the really cute guy that was really good at kickball. i head them say "Yes! Wow, Griff, another home-run" so his name is griff. i think i want to go read i have to go get my book.

Griff's POV

we were playing kickball and i was on fire i ran back to the home base "Yes! Wow, Griff, another home-run!" xander said  "Kickball's a lot easier when your ankles aren't shackled." i said back to him."Boom! I just scored another run, and three new watches!" i said to them "When I said you could steal, I meant bases, not watches.Dude, you've got to give them back."xander said to me so i went to give the watches back but the kids ran away from me. i was run to give the watches back and i wasn't watching were i was going and i bumpted into someone we hid heads"ow that hurt" she said "yeah are you okay" "yeah"she said i helped her up after that i told her my name she was about to tell me hers before she got a call on her phone then she ran away.

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