Episode 1

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The sun rose on a scenic and beautiful island. The birds were singing, the sky was blue, and a cruise ship carrying 16 contestants was approaching. Pikachu cleared her throat, and the camera focused on her. "Welcome to the first season of Total Pokemon. 16 misfits will battle it out for the ultimate prize of..." Pikachu hesitated. "Well, we don't know yet. I'll get into that later. For now, let's introduce our contestants!" 

(Author's note: You can read all of the character bios on the previous chapter)

Pikachu waited a few moments for the boat. "On Team 1, Hariyama, Whirlipede, Mighyena, Umbreon, Torchic, Croconaw, Wynuat, and Silcoon. Team 2 has Joltick, Vulpix, Togetic, Aipom, Sylveon, Riolu, Lombre, and Sunflora". Lombre looked around at the island, then at Pikachu. "Hey, this island is so nice. What gives?" Pikachu looked agitated. "Well apparently the old living conditions had 'numerous health code violations' and Gengar's food was 'hazardous', so we had to upgrade the island. Which brings me to my next point;" She gestured to her surroundings. "Welcome to crotte de chien, which is French for... I don't know. Something cool, probably(A/N:It means "Dog poop" when translated). Follow me and I'll lead you to the challenge area." The contestants followed Pikachu through a scenic forest to a mountain range. In front of the mountain was a pile of mechanical parts. "First, before we get into the challenge, you guys must decide on a team name." 5 minutes and many muttered words later, each team had come up with a name. Team 1 decided on the Streaking Skarmorys, while Team 2 decided on the Soaring Swellows. Pikachu cleared her throat. "For your first challenge, you will build something to help you get one teammate of your choice up this mountain. Whichever item impresses me more gets a serious advantage in climbing the mountain. Any questions?" Multiple people rose their hands. "Good. GO!"

Torchic dashed to the parts and started analyzing the pile. "If I use that... I've got it." He started putting things together.

Conf: Torchic  looked comfortable. "I've always had a thing for machines. At home, I have these awesome robots that do everything for me. I haven't cleaned my room in 9 years."

The Soaring Swellows were having significantly less luck. Everyone went to the pile, but nobody really knew what to do. With nothing to do, Riolu and Sunflora started talking. Eventually, a few members started putting things together, but in the end they had an incomprehensible pile of trash when Pikachu called time.

Torchic held up his creation: a pressured grappling gun, just like in the movies. He demonstrated by climbing a small boulder. Pikachu applauded. "Very impressive! Let's see what team Eagle has!" Nobody spoke up for a few moments, until Togetic opened his fat mouth. "Well, this pile of utter garbage has the ability to make us look dumb, but I'm not sure how that scales the mountain." Pikachu gestured to the Skarmorys. "I guess that makes the winner obvious. As your reward, you choose who to send up the mountain. As for you-" She turned to face the Swellows. "Togetic, why don't you go up? First person to reach the top wins. Skarmorys, who will you send?"

Conf: Togetic looked kind of worried. "If we lose this challenge, I'm definitely going home tonight.

Hariyama saw an opportunity. "I've done quite a bit of rock climbing, I can go." None of his comrades disagreed, and the race was underway.

Hariyama had a strong lead to start with. His superior athleticism and the grappling gun got him pretty high up, and he decided to take a break behind a rock.

Out of his teammates' view, he cracked open the gun and pulled out a part, pocketing it.

At this point, Togetic was close to catching him. Hariyama shot the gun, latched it upon a rock, and was being pulled up when the machine broke and he fell. "Ah! I think I broke my spine. I can't move!" Togetic pulled himself closer to the finish line. "Sucks for you!" He reached the finish line with little contention and won the challenge for the Swellows. They had immunity, and the Skarmorys were sending someone home.

Pikachu got a helicopter and airlifted Hariyama, who had no serious injuries.

Conf: Hariyama laughed. "It was that easy to get rid of Torchic? This show is gonna be a cakewalk."

Hariyama was dropped next to the other losers. "Nice grapple gun, idiot. It lost us the challenge and nearly got me killed!" Torchic was perplexed. "Hand me the gun." Hariyama gave it, and Torchic peeked inside. "A part's missing. Someone must have taken it out." Hariyama glared. "No, you can't design for sh-"

Umbreon interrupted. "Turn out your pockets." Hariyama stared. "Why?" Umbreon stared blankly. "Turn them out." Rick reluctantly did as she asked, revealing the missing part. Torchic was shocked. "You threw the challenge!?" Hariyama spoke up, and people took sides.

Later on at the campfire ceremony, Pikachu was handing out marshmallows. The Swellows had decided to watch. "If you receive one you're safe, if you don't you go, never come back, blah blah. First marshmallows goes to Croconaw, Whirilpede, Wynuat, Mightyena, and Slicoon, all with zero votes against them." She paused for dramatic effect. "Umbreon, with one vote against her;" She caught her marshmallow elegantly. "And the last marshmallow goes to... Torchic, with zero votes! Hariyama, you're gone." Hariyama tried to act indifferent (and failed). "Pff... losing the mil is no big deal. I don-" Pikachu interrupted. "Actually, the prize depends on how much money the show makes." Hariyama winced. "And how much would that be?" Lombre spoke up from the peanut gallery. "Total Pokemon's grosses an average of 60 million dollars, and the most recent season made over 80 million." Hariyama winced harder. Lombre didn't stop. "Also, the trend is that each version makes more money than the last, meaning this season could make as much as 90 million dollars." Hariyama no longer had a face, rather a shivering ball of cringing shame. Pikachu interjected. "Hold that pose:" she pulled out a smart phone and snapped a pic. "Ha! Priceless." Hariyama turned away. "Just put me on the stupid boat or whatever." Pikachu chuckled. "Sure. Just put these on." Pikachu held out a helmet and a pair of goggles. "Wh- oh no." The show cut to Hariyama in the Cannon of Shame. Pikachu sighed with nostalgia. "I remember seeing this bad boy for the first time. Any last words?" Hariyama opened his mouth before flying out of the cannon. "Never gets old."

The camera cut to Umbreon walking back to the cabins when she's approached by Torchic "H-hey! Umbreon, was it? I j-just wanted to thank you. If not for you, I'd be the one getting shot out of a cannon." He gave an awkward laugh. Umbreon nodded in a silent acknowledgment.

Conf: Torchic shrugged. "Better than last time I talked to a girl."

The camera cut to Pikachu. "We've got 15 Pokemon on an island about to get their world rocked. Want to see how? Find out next time on Total! Pokemon! Misfit Mayhem!"

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