Chapter 5.4 (Hello, Princess)

Start from the beginning

Gently he laid his hand on her skin and a scala of hot electric currents passed from his skin to hers. She was so entranced by the feeling that she completely forgot the pain and a moment later it was gone.

He slowly retreated his hand and she exhaled the breath she had been holding.

"So...that's what Rosalind was talking about," she whispered.

"Yeah, I'm sorry...." said Caspian slowly, clearing his throat. "It's not something I have control over with yo- er....I mean, it's a Reader thing. Once you see someone's magical core, you experience the world as a different place and the world sees you differently too."

"Right, I remember that. The whole Reader thing. Anastasia told Rosalind about it...your father...Cyneric-?"

"That's what they call him. Cyneric. Cyne means 'royal' in Old English, ric is 'power'. But his real name is just Orion...Orion Beaufort."

"He's dead, isn't he?" Sighed Aurora. "Your father?"

"Why would you say that?"

"No one has seen him for years."

Caspian sighed. "Some say he was never really there at all."

"And yet, you are his son,"

Caspian stared at her, the galaxy in his eyes moving as though stars were falling from the heavens and gallons of dust swirled into a black hole never to be seen again.

Aurora had never seen eyes like that. The eyes of Muggles were either blue, green or brown with sometimes a speck of another colour in them like accidently having leaked into the wrong eye. The eyes of Muggles were closed off, beautiful but distant and unreadable. They told no stories.

The eyes of wizards could be every colour under the sun. There was blue, but also purple, yellow and red. They could change with moods, like Elizabeth's did. Or have an entire colour spectrum hidden among them like Victoria's. They could be bright and odd but also resembling that of an animal more than a human. Indeed a Ravenclaw girl the year below Aurora had eyes with pupils like that of a cat.

There were eyes that gave status. Like the silver of the Blacks and the Malfoys. The purple of the French De Lagrace and Davignon and the oceangreen of the Celts that had once spread across Europe.

But they all had one thing in common. They were windows to the soul. A visible representative of that person's Magic. It danced and swirled with their emotions, with sudden rushes in power.

Caspian's didn't. They didn't show his thoughts at all. Never a change, a sudden spark. It was just always mesmerisingly magical. A crown to his already godly beauty.

"Your father's here."

"Which one?"

"Both of them. Together with your adopted brother. Your sister- Selena was it?- is in the States at the moment on holiday with her friend Lulu. I heard Jace was also invited but refused."

"Why would he do that?"

"His girlfriend's here,"

"Oh no, who's the unlucky girl this time?"

"Your best friend, or so I've been told."

"Effie?" Said Aurora loudly, jaw dropping. "No way!"

"Odd one she is. Has been threatening to drown me in the toilet."

"She must like you then." Aurora said with a smile. "What about Harry? Is he here?"

A shadow now fell over Caspian's face, dimming his smile. "He will arrive tonight."

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