"Yeah, I moved even more when I was younger," I say. "My family had money troubles," I add.

 "Wow," he says. "Then you must've of been Tori's best friend that I over hear her saying moved a lot."

 "Yup. That's me," I say.

 "Don't worry about your first day. I bet you'll get lots of friends soon enough. Especially since you're my friend," says Chance.

 I feel all warm and fuzzy inside just hearing him saying we're friends. And so quickly too. He's my first friend here - besides Tori. I'm making great progress; wonder if I'll be more than a friend. No! I got to stop thinking like that, it'll never happen.

 After we finish our breakfast we leave for school. We walk across the street to school. We arrive in the office to receive our schedules for both semesters. Three classes in the morning and two after lunch. For second semester, two classes before and after lunch. This school system is really different than the other high schools I went to.

 "Science, English and Math. We have three classes together. That's great," I feel his breath as he glances over my shoulder. It is warm, but quite nice. Makes my hair bristle for some reason. Now, the three classes we have together are second, third and last period. In that order of what he said. Sweet.

 This is just a random thought but nothing will happen between us. I wish something would happen. He could call me his guy and I call him my man. It'll be so cute. But it won't happen. I hope this doesn't turn into a full crush, not even a crush. It'll be pointless.

 "That's cool," I say.

 First bell rings and they announce that we have 3 minutes to get to class or we're late. Chance escorts me to my first class; History.

 No orientation, like getting to know each other. Just straight away to taking notes. Ughhh! Really? Well, this is grade 12, I don't think we go around learning about each other. It would be nice to get to know my classmates names and know them. Oh well, time to focus. But notes are boring to write down. Even though they help with the preparation of unit tests, which are stressful. Exams are even more stressful to begin with.

 World War I. Learning about the Canadians, Americans, British Empire, Soviet Union, et cetera. I will say that History is a pretty intriguing subject. You learn about the past that could have changed your future in a drastic way. Makes me feel like traveling back in the past to serve as a soldier. Sounds cool shooting rifles, duck and cover. Nothing like Call Of Duty. Every FPS is better than Call Of Duty. But I will admit, I played COD before.

 I will admit another factual fact, I really don't like COD, and it feels boring after a couple hours. It's stupid. And it's repetitive nature lacks any true skill. And just because I'm gay, doesn't mean I don't like first person shooters, and games in general.

 Some people are just gayist. That's my way of saying they’re stereotypical about gays. Don't judge gays in general because of a few you have witnessed. There can be masculine gays stronger than straight men. A masculine gay guy can be the straightest gay ever while a straight guy can be the gayest straight ever.

 Back on topic now. No more sidetracking in thoughts. I always get lost in my mind, conjuring up things I wouldn't normally think about or about how arrogant straight people can be. Only some of them are.

 I'm a thinker. That's what I do.

 Bell Rings

 Now I need to find my Science class. Wherever the heck that is.

 I stroll out of class as soon as the bell rang. I'm going exploring in this rain forest. Glaring at my schedule, I accidentally bump into someone.

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