Orphans -- Chapter the Eighth

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Klara let go of Keera with an involuntary shout and covered her ears. Even after tumbling to the ground the youngest banshee didn't stop her wailing, and it took every ounce of self-control Jared could muster not to stop and cover up his own newly sensitive ears. He gritted his teeth and leaned over to pick Keera up. Thankfully Addy either was satisfied that enough shrieking was being done not to add her own voice to the outcry, or had enough presence of mind to understand that shouting in the ear of the man trying to save you was counterproductive. Either way, Jared was grateful for her silence.

"Can you quiet your sister down, please?" he asked her. Addy shrugged to communicate her uncertainty about the potential success of any attempts to quash the younger girl's laments but she reached over and started stroking Keera's arm, making soft whistling noises as she did so. Jared trying rocking the pair reassuringly and after what seemed like an eternity but was in reality probably only a few seconds, Keera ceased her wailing and shoved her thumb into her mouth.

Jared could see Klara pulling herself together, and he had to ask the question that was burning at him. "Does that mean someone is already dead or that they're going to die?" he inquired, acutely aware he had no idea where Shannon was right now. He could still feel a human presence in the cavernous space but it was either faint or not nearby. He thought it was the latter but he wasn't practiced enough to have any real certainty about that determination, not when it was something so important.

"It means someone is dying. It is probably for Davrosh. With the leyak resuming its own form Davrosh is being consumed. He was your grandfather. I am surprised you do not feel it." Jared thought about the terror and dread he felt standing in Davrosh's room. He had assumed it was just a fear reaction, but it could very well have been in response to whatever was happening to Davrosh.

"Which means we need to hurry," Jared pointed out. He needed to get them to safety so he could find his brother. He ushered the group along, past the small kitchen and through the cluttered living area but stopped before he came to the small office they had initially entered. He dropped the girls and grabbed Klara by the arm before she crossed the small window that provided a view through the office and out onto the loading bay. Holding one finger to his lips he peered carefully through the glass where he could see the darkened and empty office. He could see the SUV waiting in the loading bay as well, and even though he could see no one else there his senses told him they were not alone. As he watched, the large bay door rolled open and several figures came into view, still standing outside. Jared's muscles tightened as he realized who was waiting.

"Little pig, I see we meet again. I can smell you in there," rang out the familiar voice. "Don't try to tell me you don't have my girls in there this time, I heard them. But that's okay. I have something of yours too."

Two figures were suddenly shoved into the small circle illuminated by the security light over the door, male and female, they were bound together and looked far angrier than they did frightened. Jared figured they were the two missing members of Masha's cell.

"That's Astrid and Cotton," Klara confirmed, her voice the lowest whisper she could manage. "I don't see Michael."

"They can't come in here, right?" Jared asked.

Klara shook her head. "No. Which is probably the reason they used the leyak, to drive us out. It's no coincidence that it awoke at sunset."

Jared looked over at Keera and Addy who were clutching each other in much the way they had when they had first arrived. "Take the girls, go back to the magic annex and lock yourselves in."

Klara shook her head. "You don't know what you're doing. You're just a baby. I have skills...."

"Then use them to protect the girls. I'm going to go find Masha and help deal with the leyak. Then you can help us all figure out a way out of here."

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