Chapter 1 (p2)

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Copyright © 2012 T. M Moore. All rights reserved

 Abigail, January

The corridors were too crowded and it seemed that she was the shiny new toy; everyone was noticing her, good and bad. Their stares didn't reach her though; her thoughts filled her brain to the bursting point. She walked slowly, trailing her hand against the cold, pastel blue wall with her other hand wrapped around her chest, as if trying to keep herself together. She was met with pitiful smiles meant for consolation, but in reality they had no effect. Distant chatter filled her ears, but no one stopped to talk to her. She didn't care though, her thoughts were consuming her; should she be sad for having lost him, or happy for finding someone?

"Abby." it could only have been Meredith, she ran after her. Her round face was glowing pink and there were wild stray strands of wispy, blond hair hanging in her face, having escaped her hair tie. "You never called me."

Obviously, I didn't want to speak to you.

"I'm your best friend, why didn't you?" she seemed hurt but in truth, they hadn't seen much of each other over the summer.

A boy had replaced Abigail; she was hurt. She had felt the distance between them widening and it didn't take long for them to fall apart, not that Meredith had noticed the steady thaw in their relationship. Abby didn't know how to respond; did she honestly not know how long it had been?

"Oh, hi." she said calmly, though she wanted very much to clue her in and leave. Meredith was fidgety and she knew at once; her problems would soon be taking a back seat. "How have you been?" Abby asked, wondering if Meredith would notice her nonchalance.

Meredith left her - not the other way around, and he left her. It was a vicious cycle. Meredith stared at her and her eyes flickered around her waist.

"You've lost weight." she said, puzzled. Of course she wouldn't have noticed; they hadn't spent more than twenty minutes with each other since May--it was January now.

"Yeah I finally lifted the twenty- eight pounds." Abigail told her.

They had made a promise to lose twenty-four over the summer months but that had never happened. Abigail had lost it, but it seemed she had gained a few. Abigail pitied her.

"So, what do you have today?" a weak attempt at conversation, but she thought Meredith had begun to notice the large time gap in their speaking. She didn't stop her though, she knew she should have. Did Abby really want to get back with her?

"Econ. You're in my class." Abigail was taken aback. Had Meredith really not noticed her sitting in her class for five months?

"Oh, yeah." she noticed her mistake.

Abby half expected her to make up some crap excuse and make a run for it, but she stayed. Was it because she felt sorry for her because she had been close with her when Abigail had been close with him? Abigail couldn't keep it in. Meredith was acting like they were friends when really, they weren't. Abby had made other friends.

"We haven't spoken properly since May last. We saw each other twice before that, once at Christmas, the other at Easter. This summer, you came into the library with Matt, and sat beside me while I worked because Matt wanted to talk about my novel." Abby didn't raise her voice. She stated the facts. She kept a calm physique. Meredith flinched and her eyes welled with tears.

"I know an- and when Matt ended it, I noticed. I noticed I had lost you, and I feel so bad." she blubbered.

Abigail wanted to take her in her arms. She had heard what happened; the bastard. The corridors were still noisy and groups flocked from different directions, not caring about their exchange. Abigail saw Regina and Eden wave her over to them, where they were standing near their lockers. She smiled and waved them away impatiently. She saw a look of annoyance flash across Eden's face but she turned back to Regina, animatedly telling her a story.

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