A Journey

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  Alexis stepped on the wetted morning grass with her bare feet. Her brown hair formed neatly around her ears and nicely in the back. She wore a small blue gown. Her shoes blue to. A bow was neatly formed on her back to keep the dress in place in a pretty way. Her blue eyes gazed with curiosity as a smile formed on her kind and gentle lips as the sun arose from the surface of mighty plains and dense forests. 

 As she edged away from a  rocky cliff that leads straight down to one of the plains. She edged back to a mighty castle. She stood at the edge of some large gates as they opened with large creaks, she stepped inside, a smile on her face as her mother, a rather thin and young lady, with brown eyes and blonde hair. She scurried to her daughter in a fashion of worry and fear. She wrapped her arms tight against her daughter as a sigh of relief came from her. Alexis looked at her mother. "It seems that I left months ago mother, while I just left yesterday night!" Her accent rich, and her voice soft and kind with a hint of amusement. Her mother grasped Alexis's shoulders hard. "You jumped out of the window! No note, no nothing!" She cried, her face flushed with fear. 

 Alexis stepped back, "mother, no need to worry... I'm surely fine" She twirled showing how uninjured she looked. The mom seemed to relax from her tense state. "No more windows!" She snapped and dismissed herself from her daughter into another hallway, with a snobby manner. Alexis started to her room, she opened the door to see the room lighten with the suns rays, it shined the room. Alexis look quite ill after awhile, she didn't enjoy the castle. She loved wilderness. But every time she picked up a sword and tried to practice, her mother dragged her away in such a hurry, she couldn't even pick up the sword

 Alexis gave a soft groan of defeat as she dramatically flopped herself onto her bed. The soft material rubbed on her skin as she rested her arm against her forehead with defeat. "I cant do anything with mother!" She cried to herself. Her eyes stared up. She stood up and changed into a nightgown and slipped into the bed. She closed her eyes and fell asleep quickly. Her mind filled with awful thoughts to how to escape and become free. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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