Stranger in the Night

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Most of what Collette remembered that night was wall to wall mirrors, lights throbbing every second, hands flailing up in the air, booze and smoke stinking the air and Shay shouting to her to take it easy on the drinks.

"What?" she screamed back at her friend.

"I said take it easy on the mojitos!" Shay said. 

The music consumed her being, it was as if she was another person. And to hell with it. She didn't know these people. She was going to let loose. Fired up she took it a notch higher.

"Woohoo, did you think it was gonna be like this?" Shay was moving her fists, alternately crossing her arms and snapping her fingers.

"I'm not thinking right now. Just wanna shake," Collette yelled.

She felt two masculine hands grasp her hips from behind her. He swayed her body to the beat.

"Would you like to get out of here after this?" he asked, his mouth covering her ears.

Collette, though irritated was unfazed, "no thanks," she said. She deftly eased her body away from the man with only a fleeting glance.

"Who was that?" asked Shay.

"I don't know. Some random guy. You know the type. They think just because we're dancing wildly it means we're easy targets."

When the music toned down a bit the girls decided to sit and order some more drinks.

"Rada is picking us up in 30 minutes."

"I'm going to the restroom," Collette said, making sure she moved her lips as close to Shay's ear as possible. Her nose bumped Shay's metal earring. She felt the coldness of metal on her nose and was tickled. She crinkled her nose and let out a small laugh.

The ladies room was at the end of the L shaped dance room and Collette tried hard to walk with poise. Her high heeled open toed shoes dug on the carpet.

She pulled at the hem of her cobalt blue outfit which showed legs and a bit of cleavage. She preferred sensible clothes to sexy ones, more often she wore white men's shirts or knee length dresses. But tonight she threw all caution to the wind.

Her long dark hair cascaded at her back. Her knees buckled twice but she was determined to reach the toilet without a mishap.

A tall, long haired guy was blocking the way, with his back to her. She noticed his wiry and mean body, leaning on the wall like a scimitar. Though she only saw his silhouette, she can see that he was busy with his mobile. He seemed in his own world, texting on his phone.

The casualness of his stance added a certain I-don't-care demeanor to his V-shaped body. His jeans hugged his lower body like membrane, allowing little to the imagination.

The muscles of his thighs and bum were apparent even in the flickering light. Her eyes glided down to his loafers, then slowly her gaze crept up to the white shirt, most probably Armani, tucked inside the unlawful looking jeans. Even just looking at his back aroused her femininity. Must be good to hug him from behind, wrap my arms around those muscled abs, feel his back on my breasts, run my fingers on his beefy chest, lingering, searching.

Her imaginings made her wonder how being single gave one the prerogative to think scandalous thoughts. Collette said "excuse me" but was embarrassed to look at his face. To look at another person's eyes would mean getting a glimpse of his soul. She was wary of that.

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