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"Lovin' you, it ain't easy
I'm halfway to losin' my mind
Don't be cruel
It's taken all of me to love someone like you" - kelly clarkson 'cruel'

"Sonya-chan! Guten morgen!" I say as I reach out to grab her arm, but before I have the time to retreat my hand because I know what will happen next, she grabs my arms and twists it behind my back locking it in place.

"OW! Sonya-chan! You're so mean!" I scream as the pain settles into my arm. 

"Oh, Yasuna." She says unfeelingly as she begins to realize it's me

"That's all you have to say?! It's been three years and you're still doing this to me!" I shout at her, because in the three years we've known each other she can't comprehend that someone who would be out to get her would not be greeting her a good morning.

"Then you should have learned your lesson by now. Hurry up, you're going to make us late for first period" Sonya says, as she walks away from me and I just stare at her retreating form smirking because this is how our normal mornings play out. After three years, we're still going through the same routine it's like we're in an anime or something. 

"You're a bad girlfriend!" I shout out trying to get a reaction out of her. Bringing a rise out of Sonya is one of my favourite things to do, no matter how hard it hurts both figuratively and physically.

"Then break up with me!" She says without turning around

"MAYBE I SHOULD!" I say trying to get another reaction out of her. She stops in her tracks momentarily but then proceeds to walk on, once I realize the reaction i'm looking for is not gonna happen this time I just let her walk away. 

I want to continue talking, but I can tell by Sonya's demeanor that she doesn't want to talk to me. I'm usually used to it, but something just feels off this time. In moments like these I've learned that dating an assassin is a full time job. 

When we get to school, we head to our lockers to change shoes and then make our way to the classroom. The school day drags on as normal. I have lunch with Agiri-san alone because Sonya said she had some business to do over the lunch break. I didn't believe her but I've learned not to question her anymore. 

Once the last class of the day is over I begin packing my bag and look over to my right to ask Sonya if she wants to walk home together (we usually do, I just ask as a formality) but when I turn to her desk I find it empty. I turn my eyes to the doorway and see that Sonya is already headed out the door. Before she can make it all the way through I sprint to the door and block her.

"Where are you going?" I say breathlessly because I am incredibly out of shape

"Home." Sonya says trying her hardest to move past me

"Let's walk home together then." I leave no room for refusal and I see her shoulders slump ever so slightly, I quickly grab my bag and link my arm in with hers. As soon as I do, I expect her to assault me as she usually does but to my surprise she does nothing.

"Are you okay?" I ask, I don't want to pry but this is not the Sonya I know and love. "You're not some kind of body substitution jitsu are you? What have you done with my girlfriend?" I say to try to lighten the mood. 

But she says nothing

I stop dead in my tracks jerking us both backwards

"Yasuna! what are you doing?" Sonya says annoyed

"Finally! You're talking to me!" I say relieved, "Are you mad at me? I mean, you usually are but you're angrier than usual." I can see Sonya getting more and more uncomfortable as time passes. I know she wants to say something but can't, so I just stay silent until she's ready.

"Don't break up with me." She says quietly and I look at her shocked

"What?" I say confusedly, because I have no idea where this is coming from.

"Don't break up with me. I know you want to, but please don't. I'll be better, I promise. I'll be nicer. I'll even do less hit-jobs if you want me to, just please don't break up with me." she says so quickly I almost don't catch it all.

"Break up with you? Why would I break up with you, you idiot?" I question.

"This morning when I joked about breaking up with me, you said that you probably should..." Sonya trails her sentence off

I laugh audibly in her face, because she really is an idiot if she thought I was serious about that. When I burst out in laughter Sonya looks at me shocked and begins to frown

"I'm sorry, but you really are an idiot if you think I'm gonna break up with you. I was joking, you clown! I knew you were joking when you said I should break up with you, I was just creating banter you fool. Who knew assassins were so damn sensitive?" I wheeze out as my laughter dies down. Sonya huffs out in annoyance and begins to walk past me but I grab her wrist before she gets too far.

"Sonya, I really like you. I love you, in fact. If you think, that I don't know when you're joking around than maybe you don't know me as well as you think you do. That's okay though, because we've got our whole lives to get to know each other." I say seriously

"Yasuna..." Sonya begins to say, but then trails off again. Instead of saying anything I just grab her hand and begin walking.

"C'mon let's head home it's getting late." I say and we begin our journey home ending a very unusual day (even for us) as we normally do..together.

a/n: it's trash. it's complete trash. don't even try to say it's not, because i am fully aware it is. i just love sonyasuna so much; they are my children. kmb is one of my favourite animes so i thought i'd write a little something for one of my favourite ships.i may continue with more but i've still got two j x j fics to finish 

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