"Welcome guys, thank you for being on today's show! I would ask you guys how your days are and all that but let's just cut to the chase-because I'm sure we're all dying to know. From what I understand, you two came here because you have something to announce?" She spoke eagerly, half of her body hanging off in suspense. Your eyes darted to Jax, who only flashed his famous smile. You two had a basis of what you wanted to say but besides the announcement, this interaction was solely improv.

"Yes, Sid, we do. We thought it would only be fitting if you guys were the first to know. After all, you're practically family to us since you allowed us on the show right after the first episode of Put On A Show." Sidney's lips went into a pout as she placed a hand over her chest in appreciation. "Do you want to break the news y/n?" You did your best to try to look excited and nodded, a sheepish smile overcoming your features.

"Jax and I are officially a couple." This sentence caused a series of gasps and the occasional scream to rip through the audience. Sidney's reaction was priceless as well, her hands flying up to cover her mouth in surprise. To play into the moment, Jax positioned his arm so it was no longer behind the couch. Instead, his hand was now in yours. Another series of cries could be heard, and you would have not been surprised to hear if anyone fainted as well. Once the crowd finally managed to calm down, Sidney begun asking questions. 

"How exactly did this happen and when? Who asked who out?" Jax chuckled and whilst still holding you hand, began to explain the story he conjured up in his head. You were kind of glad he was taking the lead in this situation. It was also nice that he was also known to be quite the chatterbox, which made it not very speciousness that he was the one talking the most out of the two of you. 

"It actually happened fairly recently. Y/n and I have always been close, but I began to develop feelings for her when I tried setting her up with a friend of mine. She came to me asking for advice on what do and I just...confessed? It was eating me alive, to be honest. The thought of seeing her be with someone else. Thankfully, she said yes when I asked her out." Sidney looked over at you for your input, which you happily added. 

"At first, I was completely taken back. But, after I thought about it...I really wanted to give him a chance. It sounds chicle, but it was one of those: 'maybe the person I needed was always right in front of me the whole time' scenarios and, it was." To play into the moment, Jax leaned in and gave you a kiss on the cheeks, which he warned he may do earlier on in the day. Again, the crowd went nuts at the show of affection. Like you had suspected she was going to, Sidney brought up the Aron thing. 

"Is the guy y/n was pictured with the man she was talking to before you two got together?" As she spoke, the large screen behind you displayed the photos of you getting into Aron's truck and the day after when you were heading to work. You nodded, hopefully your new relationship was going to be enough to outshine your 'old' one. 

"Him and I spent that day hanging out to get to know each other. Despite rumors, nothing serious really happened between us. Even now we're still friends. The day of the second photo was actually when Jax asked me out." 

"How do you feel about that, Jax?" Jax casted a look of confusion towards Sidney. "I mean, with y/n still being friends with this mystery guy and all." Jax scoffed at this. 

"What? Are you implying y/n would cheat on me? I don't think that's going to happen, Sid. I trust the guy, since he is one of my friends, and I trust y/n." Sidney nodded at this before moving on, the look of annoyance on Jax's face passed as real and it was quite frightening. 

"Anywho, have you two been on any fun dates yet?" 

"We've gotten ice cream together a few times and hung out together at each other's homes, but it's kind of hard to set up dates that work with one another. But, eh, I'm just happy if I get a call goodnight."

"We actually have a dinner date tomorrow night, so hopefully it goes well." You tried to act like you knew of this fact, nodding in agreement. Sidney smiled, her eyes landing on the camera man who was indicating it was time to wrap up. 

"Well, unfortunately, that's all the time we have today. Y/n, Jax, from everyone at Tidbit Talkshow, we wish you guys the best with your relationship." You and Jax let out thanks before hugging Sidney and returning to your positions backstage so she could end the show. 


"Finally, time to relax." You pleasantly sighed, dropping onto the couch and turning on your favorite television show to catch up. Today you had begun filming the first half of the episode, which was exhausting. So much so, you had allowed Angie the rest of the day off shortly after your arrival home. You loved her like a sister, but the 'you time' was very much appreciated. You had actually just gotten comfy and gave the television your full attention when there was a knock at your front door. You got up from the couch and approached the door with a look of confusion on your face. If you could remember correctly, you weren't expecting anyone today. When you opened the door, your mouth swung open in surprise. There stood Jax, wearing a blue velvet suit and holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 

"Hey y/n," He spoke causally, as if this was an everyday thing. After a minute, you finally managed to pull yourself together and question him. 

"Jaxon Aleksandr Auden, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" He simply chuckled and took a step forward, subsequently making you step backwards further into the penthouse. After standing fully inside, he shut the door with his foot and gave you a smile. 

"Taking you on a date, what does it look like I'm doing?" 

"What are you talking-" You cut yourself off in this moment as you had a flashback to yesterday. "oh, no way. I am not going on a date with you, Jax." 

"Haven't you been wanting to go on a candlelight dinner for awhile? Plus, didn't Terry say we have to go on dates?" You rolled your eyes at his comments. 

"What Terry doesn't know won't hurt him." Jax looked at you for a moment before placing down the flowers onto the kitchen island, his face contorting into a serious expression. 

"Look, y/n, I know you're not exactly thrilled about this whole dating situation. Hell, I'm not too keen on the idea either, but don't forget we're doing what's best for business. Terry wouldn't have set this up if he didn't think it was needed, you know that. You're always talking about keeping your friends and family out of the limelight because of scandals, right? If we push this hard enough, we can. Your presumed relationship with Aron can't be a thing if we're together. It's only for one season." There was a pause in his speech as he cracked a smile. "So, we might as well make the best of the situation and have fun. I promise to be the best fake boyfriend you'll ever have." 

"I hate it when you're right..." All of the things he stated were true, and you had to admit, you had been acting very sour about the whole proposal until now. Jax was stuck in this mess just as much as you were, so you had to give him credit where it was do. With a smile on your face, you nodded. "Alright, alright. Where are you taking me?" 

"That's a secret for now. Go to your room and change into the best formal thing you have." With a nod, you exited the kitchen. You had made it to the hallway when Jax called out to you. "By the way, you only have forty minutes to get ready!" 

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" 

Put On a Show {Hollywood Undead x reader x Deuce} OLDWhere stories live. Discover now