Chapter 2

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Jack Frost P.O.V.
"I'm back!" I shouted, as I came closer to our usual tree. It was in front of the lake, the one we had on campus. Under the tree there were my ultimate best friends. Peter Pan noticed me first. He kind of smirked at me, and stood up. "Hey, Frostie!" He said, while we hugged. No, not the "manly one", I mean the classic one. Me and Pan've been friends since, forever. Back in Burgess, Pennsylvania, we used to make pranks to literally everyone. Good times. Then we moved here when we were around eight. "You seriously gotta stop calling me this way." I chuckled, looking around. I've just come back from the North Pole. My uncle Nicholas lives there. It's freezing there, but the cold never bothered me anyway. "But you liked it when Punzie called you that!" squealed Peter, (yes, squealed. Ever imagined Peter squealing? Because I didn't.)  trying to imitate a girlie voice and twirling his front hair around his finger. "No I didn't, that's why I broke up with her, in sixth grade." I replied, making the last part stand out. "Actually, she broke up with you" said Hiccup, who a second ago was sleeping on the grass. "Hey man!" I greeted. "What's up?" He asked, swiping grass off of his clothes. "Eh, nothing much". I looked around, searching for someone. "Hey, where's Jim?" Pan replied, nodding his head towards the tree. On a branch was sitting Jim Hawkins, earbuds in his ears, pencil in his hand and notebook on his lap. "Good to see you too, Jim." I said sarcastically. "Jim?"
"Jim!" He finally took his earbuds off and looked around, a grin growing on his face once his eyes landed down on me. "Hey Jack." He said. "How was the North Pole?" "Very hot as always, dear Captain Obvious." I said mockingly. "As usual then." He climbed down and hugged me, but this was the "manly one".
"What were you doing up there anyway?" I asked Jim, reminding him of his notebook. He blushed and closed it, hiding it behind his back. "Nothin'" he simply replied. "Well, you shoud've been doing something since-" while he was distracted, I fastly took it out of his hands and started scrolling through the pages. He tried to take it out of my hands, jumping around me, but I kept it tight in my hand, which was raised, until Hiccup took it and ran away while I started to climb on a branch on the tree. I saw how Jim was about to take the notebook until Pan took it from Hiccups hands and ran towards me, throwing it until it landed into my hands. I quickly opened it and read what was inside. "Ok, yeah, make fun of me however you want, it's only a little thing, it really doesn't matter..." said Jim, blushing even harder, which I thought was impossible. "Well too bad, it's pretty amazing!" I said, ad I red the lyrics. Jim immediately passed me his phone with his earbuds, which I plugged into my ears. I switched the music on and understood that it was the base to the song. You see, we're the "The Big Four". You could say that we all sing, but I mostly play the guitar (acoustic or electric), Peter also plays the guitar, and bass too, Hiccup plays the drums, and Jim plays the keyboard. Sometimes we even have Hiro, Peter's roommate and one of Jim's best friends, do the DJ. He's a pretty cool guy. He's got this awesome talent for creating and inventing things. In fact, a few people know how to be a DJ here. We chose him because he modified his, uh, utensil for DJing (?) and I must say, it's way cooler than the other's.
"We should totally sing this during our next concert!" I exclaimed. "Which is...?" We all looked over at Hiccup, who realized only a few seconds later why were we all staring at him, so he quickly took out his agenda and scrolled through the pages, until he found the right one. "The Autumn Dance" he replied. "Great!" I exclaimed, jumping down from the branch. "Uh, guys, I've got a date at seven at the diner, so I better start going." Said Pan, looking at his watch and picking up his bag. "Who's the unlucky one?" Asked Jim, as Hiccup chuckled and I took a sip of water from my bottle. "Very, very, funny. " he said sarcastically. "Anyway, Wendy. Wendy Darling." Pan said proudly. Hiccup had to come and pat my back, since I was choking on my water. As soon as I stopped, I looked at him. "You still like her? I mean, you had a crush on Wen, since like, forever, I thought you moved on" I said. Me, Peter, Jim and Wendy have been into the same school since fourth grade, from where his never-ending crush started, but always been in separated classes with Wendy 'till middle school. I guess he only found the courage to ask her now. After six, freaking years! And even though he was pulling off his cool act, I knew he was dying inside. "Anyway, don't worry, she's crushing on you too" said Jim laughing. "Really?" Asked Peter, blushing. "But how... oh right, you're her "spiritually big brother"" said Peter, gesturing with his hands and with a glimpse of jealousy in his eyes. "Oh come on man, I always helped you in this. And you're returning me the favor, I can't wait 'till she stops rambling about ya, Loverboy." He smirked. Peter just rolled his eyes, but that didn't stop him from smiling goofily like and idiot. "Good luck, Loverboy!" I shouted, while Peter headed towards his dorm. Peter raised his hand, waving it, but without turning around. "See ya later, Frostie!".

Wendy P.O.V.
My first date. With Peter Pan. My since-fourth-grade crush. I was so not ready for... no. For the past tweny minutes of my life, Alice was telling me that I can do this, Jane was telling me how to behave (she had experience, since she was in a similar situation as mine. She was the classy girl, and her boyfriend, Tarzan, was kinda more like Peter), and my roommate Aurora was dressing me. Moana, my other roommate, was out with her friends. I was now wearing a sky blue top tucked into a white skirt and my signature blue bow. Aurora was now picking my shoes and jewelry. While Alice was quoting some Pinterest and Tumblr posts and Jane was telling everything about dates and more, Cindy, Aurora's best friend, popped into the room. "Hello, people of the 135th dorm!" She exclaimed as she plopped into Aurora's bed. "So, what's poppin'?" She asked. "Darling here has a date with Peter Pan!" Aurora shrieked. Cindy immediately stood up and ran towards me. "Omygosh, I can't belive it!" She squealed. "I've been Peter's friend since like, forever, and he had a crush on you since you guys met, and that was like what, fourth grade? Anyway, he's been rambling about you for six years and-" "Cindy, I think that's enough. I'm sorry sweety, Cindy was trying, in her own way, to make you feel better." Aurora stated. We all laughed, as Cindy rolled her eyes and eventually admitted that it was kinda true. "Anyway, I think these white flats would look fabulous on you. And this necklace's pretty cute too." She stated. Once I put the accessories on, I looked at myself in the mirror. "Wendy, you are very, very pretty" stated Jane. "Thank you" I said warmily. "Ok, well, I'm going to go now. Bye! Thank you so much guys!" I said, closing the door hearing Alice scream something about me being the strongest girl this world has ever met, or something like that. I just giggled. As I headed towards the diner, I heard a voice behind me. "Where are you going, Brit?". I could recognize that voice anywhere. I slowly turned around to look into the person's eyes. "None of your business, Tinkerbell." I said, walking away. Of course, she followed me. "So, I heard Peter asked you on a date." She said. I simply nodded. "So, I imagine you're going there." No, I simply dressed up a bit to go jogging. That's what I wanted to say. Tink had a crush on Peter since they were in third grade. They even dated in the beginning of fourth grade, when I came to America from London, but Peter broke up with her after a week or less. Me and Tink used to be friends, but when I told her I had a crush on him in sixth grade, she stopped talking to me. She even bullied me for some time, but I guess Peter stopped her. What if Cindy was right, and he did have a crush on me? That would be wonderful, I mean...
"Brit?" "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm headed towards the diner now." I replied. She glared at me. "You know, I've been hanging out with Vanessa a lot, we're kind of besties, and I could make your life a living hell." She sneered. In case you didn't know, Vanessa's this girl, who behaves rather... unproperly, and for this she thinks she's popular. I sighed. "Can't we just come back as friends? Or at least not hate each other?" I said, looking for some good in her eyes. "You're so pathetic. Anyway, I warned you, do what you want. Bye, Brit" she said walking away. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the diner. I swear, I'm not really like that. It actually really hurts me to talk like this to a person whom I was so friends with. But if I'm not tough, it's kinda natural that I start tearing up. I know, I know, I'm pretty emotional. I shrugged my shoulders as if to send the thoughts away.

Hello guys! What's up? Ok so I was 100% sure I could add Wendy and Peter's date here but I really had to tell about the band and Tink, so I promise you I'll add the date in the next chapter. Bye!!!
P.s.: Burgess, Pennsylvania is where Jack Frost lives, and since Peter has always been his friend and has an American accent, I figured he could live there too!

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