
Eddie turned his head at the sound of a voice. Bill, Richie's friend, held a travel size spray bottle and a rag in his hand. The peach rag at blue and black stains on it, seemingly have been used previously. The spray bottle had a dull blue liquid inside.

"It's Win-Windex." Bill uttered shyly. "I've had to clean stuff o-off my locker before too, it comes right off."

Eddie took the items from Bill's hands. "Thanks, Bill." He said softly, giving him a smile. Eddie sprayed a bit on his locker and used the rag to wipe it off. Bill was right, it comes right off.

He turned around and handed them back to Bill. "Thanks again."

"No problem," Bill said, waving a little before walking off down the hallway. Eddie entered the combination on his locker, pulling it open. He was putting his backpack in his locker when the locker slammed shut in front of him, narrowly missing his hand.

"Jesus, Richie," Eddie mumbled, turning around to look at the other boy. "Was that necessary?"

Richie smiled. "Of course." He said, pushing Eddie up against the lockers. He stared at Eddie for a second before deciding this was the only way to know he liked Eddie for sure. "This is also very necessary."

"Wha-" Eddie's question was cut off by Richie pressing his mouth onto Eddie's. He stood rigid for a second, shocked before he relaxed into the kiss. He recuperated, using the hand that had made its way onto Richie's neck to pull him closer.

Richie was screaming in his head. He liked Eddie. He wanted to kiss him, he wanted to date him for real. Not for some stupid bet. Eddie pulled away from Richie, quietly uttering that everyone was staring at them.

"Who cares?" Richie answered softly, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

The warning bell rang overhead, signaling they had a few minutes left to get to first period. Eddie gently pushed Richie back and opened his locker again, getting his books. "See you second period, Tozier." He smiled, walking off.

Richie had a small grin on his face. "See ya, Eds!"

"Don't call me that!" Eddie called before turning the corner, out of sight.

"Damn, Richie. You really went in for that one, huh?" Beverly asked, walking up to Richie with a smirk on her face.

Richie laughed a bit. "I guess I did." He stopped for a moment, finally deciding on his words. "Listen, Bev, I don't think I wanna do this bet anymore." He admitted, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

Beverly snickered. "Yeah, okay, sure. So, you ate his face in this very hallway and you're telling me you want to drop the bet?"

Richie shrugged. "I dunno. I feel bad, you know? He doesn't deserve it."

She ruffled his hair gently. "Chill out, Rich, he's just the new kid. If he gets upset, he'll move on to someone or something else. No biggie."

"But Bev-"

"What are we talking about?" Stan questioned as he approached, Bill not far behind him.

"Richie here wants to back out of the bet. But I say no. He agreed and that's that." Beverly stated, sitting down in the plastic chair near her desk.

Stan nodded. "She's got a point."

Bill frowned a little. "G-Guys, it kinda is unfair to E-Eddie."

Beverly raised an eyebrow at him. "Since when did you care, Billy?"

"Yeah, Bill? What, do you like Eddie or something?" Stan asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

Bill shook his head immediately. "No." But he was lying. Bill had liked Eddie ever since he saw him, but Beverly announced the bet before he could say anything. And now, Richie had him all to himself.

Bill was walking to the baseball fields with Stan, who had soccer practice in the same area behind the school. The boys walked in silence, both of them trying to figure out what to say. Stan glanced at Bill and let a breath out through his nose. "Bill, you like Eddie, don't you?"

Bill stopped completely in his tracks, Stan walking a few steps before realizing Bill wasn't beside him anymore. 'S-Stan-"

Stan shook his head. "Bill, you can tell me," he said, walking up to the other boy. "It's okay."

Bill looked at the ground, eyeing his baseball cleats like they were the most interesting thing he could be staring at. He shrugged slightly. "I guess." He mumbled softly.

Stan nudged Bill, trying to get him to continue walking. Bill obliged, keeping a slow pace with Stan as they walked. "Listen," Stan started. "Let this whole bet thing play out. I think that Eddie will find out and then you'll have your chance, okay?"

"Have your chance for what?" A voice asked suddenly. Stan and Bill both jumped.

"Jesus, R-Richie." Bill stuttered, hoisting his baseball bag farther up on his shoulder.

"I scare ya?" He asked, smiling. "Listen, I gotta get to the field. I don't have my cleats on yet and coach will whoop my ass if I don't hurry up. I'll see you in a minute, Stan. See ya tomorrow, Big Bill." Richie finished, walking ahead of both of them.

Bill watched as Richie jogged away and out of earshot. "Do you think he-he heard?"

Stan shook his head, sharing a nervous glance with Bill. This all just got a lot more complicated.

im sorry it was lowkey short


this is not turning into a bill x eddie i assure you

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