"Shouldn't you be heading to first period?" Eddie asked, looking back at Richie.

"Shouldn't you?" Richie mocked, gently pushing Eddie. "I'll see you second period, Eds."

"Don't call me that!" Eddie called and he saw Richie turn on his heel, winking. "Don't do that either!"

Richie smirked. "By the way, I like your hair. It's cute," He said, turning back around and walking through the front double doors of the school. Eddie turned to Ben, offering him a smile. However, Ben was chuckling. "You're dating him?"

"Don't be stupid, Ben. I'm not dating him. I don't even like him." Eddie defended, even if his heart starting beating at the mention of dating Richie.

"Oh, yeah? So that blush on your face is nothing? Plus, he called you cute." Ben asked, gently nudging Eddie as they walked. Eddie felt himself blush again, nudging Ben back.

"It's nothing."

"Is it? Or do you like Richie?" Ben pressed, a knowing smirk creeping onto his face as Eddie attempted to stutter out a response.

"I don't- I can't- fuck." Eddie had finally realized or came to terms with the fact, that he liked Richie. He felt it hit him like a train. This really wasn't good.

"Aha! So you do!" Ben said, a little too loudly for Eddie's liking. He hit Ben's shoulder.

"Shut up, Ben. I don't need everyone knowing, especially Richie. Oh, God Richie can never find out."

"What do you mean, Eddie? Tell him!"

"I am not telling him! He doesn't like me like that, trust me, he winks at everyone."


"What do you mean? You have to tell him." Ben protested.

Eddie shook his head violently, walking into his first period classroom with Ben not fair behind him. "No, and we are done talking about this."

Ben frowned a little. "Eddie-"

"Shut up, Ben, okay?"

Ben nodded a little, sliding into the seat next to Eddie. He glanced over at the smaller boy to find him smiling down at his phone. The name at the top of the messages read 'Richie'. Ben smiled a little before focusing on getting his stuff together for first period. Before the teacher started talking, Ben leaned over and whispered "try kissing him tonight. See what happens."

Eddie choked back a yell. "What? Are you crazy?"

Ben shrugged. "Think about it, Eddie."

Eddie stared down at his phone for a minute before quickly unlocking it. It was now or never. He opened his and Richie's text conversation, slowing typing in: 'wanna come over after school?' His thumb hovered over the send button before he pushed down, sending the message. The response was almost immediate.

'hell yeah!'

Eddie smiled when he heard the doorbell to his front door ring. He jumped up and raced down the stairs, excitedly swinging the door open.

Richie smiled upon seeing the door open. "Hey, Eddie Spaghetti. Ready to get your ass beat in COD?"

Eddie rolled his eyes. "In your dreams, Tozier, and don't call me that."

Richie chuckled, making his way upstairs into Eddie's room and turning on his Playstation. Eddie tossed him a controller before sitting down on a beanbag beside him.

After a couple games, Eddie couldn't seem to get Ben's comments out of his head. Especially the one where he suggested he kiss Richie. He couldn't... could he?

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