Chapter Thirty

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Alex's POV

With the new password set, we were all finally able to head to the Great Hall. Draco grabbed my hand and we proceeded out the door, heading out with our friends following us. Just as we got right outside the doors of the Great Hall, we ran into the trouble known as the annoying trio. And our morning had been going so well.

"Well if it isn't the annoying ferret and his evil friends. You slimy guts. You should all just be thrown into Azkaban. After all, you all are nothing but evil snakes."

"Weasel. I see your intelligence hasn't improved any. Such childish insults. You certainly haven't grown up over the summer. Though we all pretty much expected that. "

That's my mate. Coming to our defense. Though I can't believe I never really noticed how annoying Wesley and Granger are. Wesley is a jealous prat how abandons and betrays you at the drop of a hat. And Granger isn't much better. She always has to be right and is extremely noisy.

"Why I outta.... "

"You outta do what, Mr. Weasley."

I got to admit, it was hilarious to see how fast Weasley paled when he heard my father.

"10 points each from Gryffindor for causing a ruckus in front of the Great Hall."

"But Professor, that's not fair. Ginny and I did nothing wrong."

You should not have opened your mouth Granger.

"You are right. Make it 15 points each. Now get inside now before I take more points."

I have to admit, watching them sulk away and into the Great Hall was hilarious. I smiled at my dad and got a small smile back. We all proceeded into the Great Hall after the annoying trio.

As we headed towards our table, I could feel someone glaring at us, me specifically, from the direction of the head table. It doesn't take a genius to know that it was Dumbledore. Probably upset that all his plans are ruined now. Serves the idiot right.

We sat with our friends at our table. We were one of the first ones to arrive so we got to choose where we sat. We decided it would be safer to sit at the end closest to the head table. We would be closer to my father this way. We sat and piled our plates with food before we started to eat. As we ate, we talked about the annoying trio and discussed how we would get back at them. As more people began to arrive, we dropped the topic and moved on to other things like our classes. Thanks to starting over, I no longer had to take Divination. My father had taken me in earlier to take some tests to make sure I was prepared to enter the classes I wanted with my age group instead of the beginning with the third years. I passed and am taking Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures, and Ancient Runes. Thankfully I share all these classes with Draco or I'd go crazy, especially in Ancient Runes, where Granger is all by herself. I wonder how she will act when she is no longer at the top in terms of grades. It will be hilarious to see. After breakfast my father handed out our schedules to us. I looked at it and saw that we had potions first and, of course, it was with the Gryffindors. It's like Dumbledore wants us to kill each other. Oh wait, that is probably exactly what he wants.

"Let's go. It'd be better to get there before the Gryffindors do."

Draco and I led the way down to the dungeons and the potions classroom. We all stood to one side of the door, in a spot that put us at an advantage for we would be able to see the Gryffindors coming and no one would be able to sneak up on us.

Nearly ten minutes later the Gryffindors started to make their way down. Unlike us, who had arrived as a group, they came in either singles or pairs until everyone was there.

The minute Weasley and Granger spotted us, they angryly stomped their way over. Just as they both opened their mouths, to no doubt get into it again with us, the potion room's door slammed open hitting the wall and resulting in a loud bang. In the doorway stood my father. He stepped out of the way.


Everyone quickly entered the room. No one wanted my father's ire on them.

"And 20 points from Gryffindor for trying to start a confrontation in front of my class. You can thank Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger for this. Now everyone get in their seats now."

Damn. Dad is good. Gryffindor is now in the negatives thanks to those two. And judging by the faces of the other Gryffindors, they have realized that fact as well and are not pleased with those two at all. They were outright glaring at the two. Serves them right.

Everyone rushed to their seats. No one would sit with Granger or Weasley so they had to sit together. I of course sat with Draco. We chose the table in the back corner of the room on the Slytherin side. It gave us a good vantage point of the whole room and prevented anyone from being able to sneak up on us. Slytherins may seem overly cautious but in all honesty it was better to be safe than to be sorry.

"This is your O.W.L.s year. This means that at the end of the year, you will be taking your O.W.L.s in order to determine how well you know the subject and if you will be continuing on to your N.E.W.T.s in the subject. Each subject's requirements are different. If you wish to continue on to potion N.E.W.T.s, then you must get an O. I will except nothing lower for this class and going to the headmaster or the Board of Directors will get you no where."

Looking at the Gryffindor, it was very obvious that most of them wouldn't mind not getting into potions. Oh well, that's their loss. I doubt they have the talents for it. The only one who seemed determined was Granger, but that wasn't really a surprise

"We will be making the Draught of Peace. The instructions are on the board. Get started."

The Draught of Peace. Dad had me brew that over the summer. I already knee the instructions by heart. This would be easy.

I apologize for not updating foe so long. My dad lost his job so I got a job in order to help my mom out. Coupling that with having just started college last year has made my schedule really hectic. I will try harder to update but I make no promises about there being regular updates.

I really am sorry and I am grateful to all my readers to stuck by me and my stories despite me not updating for so long. Thank you all so much. Your comments really helped me.

Sarah 💙

Imprinted Love (A Drarry Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora