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Anyone can be smart. Anyone can pick up a book, learn a new skill, memorize a million little factoids. What separates the smart from the brilliant is the wisdom. Brilliance is intertwined with wisdom. It's flecked with the experiences of life, striped with the pains and strife, dotted with the tears and loves. Brilliance is using useless facts and information to enrich life, finding the beauty in every moment, every flower, every breath. Brilliance is finding the relationship between heartbreak and the written word, or the connection between despair and the sound of the waves. Brilliance is realizing that there is no such thing as true brilliance- only the illusion of knowledge that entraps our imagination and fools us into the fantasy of true knowledge.

It's impossible to be wise and not have lived through agony and sorrows of life. Life will go on, as impossibly cruel it may seem, with or without you. Time is immune to the tears, hugs and laughs of life- it will keep going. Time will forever move forward, and with it we are hurled mercilessly through life. The way you handle this defines who you are, who you've been, and who you will become.

  Birth, Life, Death. All part of never-ending Time.   

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