Chapter 14: Trials

Start from the beginning

Walking out of the Slytherin house, I only take a few steps before falling to my knees. I can't believe I just erased her current memories and just left her in the commons. Why did I do that? Maybe, she pushed me to my breaking point with all those hateful comments. Tears well up in my eyes, but I try to not focus on it. Oh! Who am I kidding?! That was a horrible thing to do and I did it without blinking an eye. I'm such a horrible person for doing that but she said such mean things! Before I can think further about what just happened, I can hear three pairs of footsteps heading towards my area. Standing up from the floor, I wait until I hear the footsteps stop in front of me.

"Are you ready, sister?" I hear Harry whisper to me as he takes the invisibility cloak off himself, Ron, and Hermione. Nodding my head while putting on a fake smile, I walk next to my brother as he places the cloak around all of us.

"Sorry that we are a little bit late. Neville Longbottom tried stopping us as we were leaving," Hermione whispers to me as we walk throughout the halls of Hogwarts heading towards the third floor.

"Yeah, and she used a spell that made her scary for once," Ron adds as he looks around scared. I pull on her sleeve while giving her a questioning look. She must have seen my look because she smiles at me while answering my question.

"I used the Petrificus Totalus spell to stun him for a while," she says, and I nod my head while noting that spell for later use if needed. Honestly, after that spell that I did on Pansy, I am pretty tired, but I keep pinching myself awake.

A few minutes later we finally arrive at the right corridor on the third floor. Surprisingly, there is only one door in this corridor and I say surprisingly because there is usually either no doors or at least a handful of doors in one corridor. Trust me when I say after spending almost an entire year here I would notice if there are any hallways with only one door. I notice that Hermione is pulling out her wand to most likely say the unlocking spell but that is unnecessary because Harry just pulls the door open; the door isn't even locked.

As the door is opening inwards, the soft harmonious music of a harp floats across the entire room before hitting our ears. A sigh escapes my lips as I enter the room and head towards the musical instrument that is in the right-handed corner of the room.

"Anastasia. Anastasia! You are supposed to stay by my side not go wandering off!" Harry whisper-yells at me, and I look down in shame as I walk away from the harp. I stand next to my big brother as I finally look at the giant animal in the center of the room that I surprisingly missed. I mean, how in Godric's name did I not notice the giant three-headed black dog. Another thing that is surprising is that the dog is asleep. This must be Fluffy that Hagrid was talking about.

"Snape has already been here. He placed a spell on the harp," my brother says, and I roll my eyes at his assumption. I still don't think that he is the one behind this and that thought is even more enforced with the way that Snape handled himself earlier today. We walk towards the animal and unfortunately, its breath stinks to high heaven. I cover my nose with my hand as my friend comments on Fluffy's breath.

"We are going to have to move his paw," Harry says, and I look down to realize that Fluffy's paw is on top of the trap door. Nodding my head, I grab the paw with everyone else following suit. With a lot of grunting coming from all of us, we slide the paw off the trap door. Harry yanks the trap door wide open and I look up to make sure that Fluffy is still asleep. Sighing in relief, I watch as Harry, Ron, and Hermione crouch in front of the drop.

"I'll go first but I don't want you guys to follow me until I give you a sign," my twin says and my heart catches in my throat. Clenching my hand into his shoulder as he continues his thought, "If something bad happens I want you to get yourselves out of here. This goes for you as well, sister."

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