Part 1 (Babysitting)

Start from the beginning

"Please just take me away,"

I whispered to myself and then continued to cry.

15 minutes Prior

Bill's POV:

"You want me to what?"

Bill practically screeched, Stan shrugged,

"It's simple, I need you to have a look at this person, they're radiating some powerful stuff, Mable and Dipper will go with you,"

Bill, who was in his Human Form, gripped his cane,

"I am NOT a babysitter!"

Stan waved his hand,

"You owe me Bill and you might want to do it anyway when you see the person, I have so much trust in it that I don't even have to tell you who it is,"

Bill crossed his arms, thinking, finally he spoke,

"Fine, I guess we're going through Mindscape,"

Stan nodded and Bill sighed dramatically,


Bill called out and the siblings walked out down the stairs,

"Let's go before I decide to rather chew my wrists,"

The siblings grinned and took Bills hands and he closed his eyes with a sigh of irritation. Bill felt the familiar sucking feeling before the three of them found themselves in a room filled with lewd males and a heavy, smoky atmosphere,

"If the person we were looking fir was here they are long gone,"

Dipper said and Bill nodded,

"Anyone want new beers?"

Bill froze at the sound of the girlish voice, he turned slowly and found y/n standing by the kitchen entrance, his heart pounded against his chest. 3 years passed since he saw her and she was looking painfully pretty, he saw the strained smile and tired lines under her eyes,

"Hey Bill, is that who Grunkle Stan wanted you to check out?"

Mabel asked while pulling on his jacket sleeve, instead if replying he just watched her, his eye wide in surprise, as she walked passed one of the males he had snaked a hand up her skirt and she smiled politely at him before walking off.

Bill turned red, literally red, with rage,

"Uh Bill?"

Bill followed y/n wordlessly and watched as she tried to hold back tears, she had lost too much weight, her legs where shown off by a flared out and very short black skirt, her body was thinner than ever but still it held that regal grace she always seemed to carry about her.

Still Bill raged, how dare she be living in this type of household with such lewd and crude males, now I see why Stan sent me, it was to protect her. Suddenly she turned towards Bill, her eyes darting back and forth. Did she... feel me here? Feel my anger? I walked towards her and brushed my hand across her cheek, her eyes darted even quicker, I saw the fear in her eyes and then she shook her head. She walked through me and I followed her,

"Umm sorry Reece?"

Her soft voice quieted the room slightly as her 'partner' looked up at her with clear irritation and anger making my anger flair again,

"I-is it okay if I go have a swim? It's awfully hot,"

The males wolf whistled and boy oh boy, I was boiling over with anger, I knew I was a burning red color by now and what made me even more livid was when he waved off the wonderful girl as if she was nothing, she darted away and I let my eye rest angrily on the male,

"Bill, you're awfully red, do you know that girl?"

Mabel asked, damn her sweet voice,

"Yes Mabel I do, she's an old friend, not to worry though, I will 'babysit' her for as long as your Grunkle wants,"

I saw the siblings share a look and then I heard the door slam, we all floated after the girl and we arrived in time to watch y/n dive into the pool, the siblings dived in after her barely disturbing the waters and I watched y/n swim to the stairs and she let her tears flow down her cheeks, I gripped my cane in anger,

"She's so sad Bill, why is she so sad?"

I sighed at Mabel's innocent question, I sat next to y/n in the pool and watched her sadly,

"Please just take me away,"

Her silent plea reached the very depths of my stone heart,

"Because she's alone Mabel but not for long,"

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