Chapter Six: First Basketball Game

Start from the beginning


The students of Hawkins High jump to their feet as their cheer loudly as their team had scored yet another basket. Their rival team was losing badly. Jessica and Nancy clap as they let out hollers as the boys of their team runs down the court, chasing after the ball that their rival team currently had. 

John ends up stealing the ball from the rival team which makes the crowd cheer as he dribbles it down the court but then he gets blocked by a rival. He fakes left before passing the ball over to Steve on his right. Steve turns around a rival before jumping and tossing the ball towards the net. The ball goes in swiftly making the crowd jump up and down in glee. 

Coach Jones pumps his fist while Steve and John high five each other as they run down the court. Steve looks over at the stands, his eyes scanning for one girl. He smiles as his eyes stops on Jessica Henderson. She cups her hands around her mouth. "Go Steve! You rock!" Steve's smile grows bigger as he sends her a wink before running after a rival. 

The girls surrounding Nancy and Jessica glares at her. "Bug off," Carol orders the girls as they fearfully turn their attention back to the game. Carol rolls her eyes as she now stood next to Jessica. She glances over at her. "Well?" "Well what?" Jessica asks her. "Aren't you going to you know thank me?" Carol asks as Tommy H, her boyfriend places his arm around her. 

Jessica scoffs. "No."

"Excuse me? Did you just say no to me." "Yes I did. You want me to say it louder? No." Carol scoffs as she turns around from Jessica while Tommy H. rolls his eyes. 

Jessica turns to Nancy, the two bursting into a fit of laughter.


The team exit the locker room, now freshly showered and into their change of clothes. Each one of them high fiving the other on their first win of the season. 

Steve and John hug and slap each other backs before pulling away. Steve glances down the hallway to his left and sees Jessica leaning against the lockers. She looks up and sends a smirk his way before stepping away from the locker and turning down a corner.

"I'll see you on Monday," Steve tells John before walking off. John shakes his head at Steve. 

Steve rounds the corner and stops in his tracks as he takes in the sight of Jessica. She was leaning against the walls this time, wearing a denim jacket with a Coca-Cola shirt underneath it which the front of it was tucked into her bright red jeans.

Steve walks toward her.

"Great game tonight," she tells him as he now stood in front of her, the two locking eyes. "Did you hear me cheering for you?" Steve chuckles. "I sure did," he tells her as she smiles. 

"Good because if you didn't I would never forgive you." Steve steps closer to her, the two chests to chest. "Really? You wouldn't?" Jessica shakes her head, still smiling at him.

"That's a bit harsh to tell your boyfriend."

Jessica raises her eyebrows up at him. "Boyfriend? Since when were we dating?" "Right now," he tells her as he takes her hands into his. "Well, Steve, I hope you know that if you're going to want to date me, you will have to get used to my little brother and his friends hanging out at my house playing D&D."

"I'm fine with that. So, Jessica Henderson."

"Yes Steve Harrington?" 

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Jessica tilts her head up in thought. "Well...I guess." she says shrugging her shoulders. "You guess?" he asks her but realizes that she was joking. "Henderson, I swear-" "Yes Steve, I will be your girlfriend," she tells him wrapping her arms around his neck. 

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