Jealous Boy

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Jodeci: Devante

"De! Hurry up! I don't want to be late" I yelled out to my boyfriend. I fluffed out my curls and checked myself out in the mirror. "Damn Courtney, you yelling so damn loud. And what the fuck do you got on? Take that shit off right now!" He yelled at me. I looked down at my two piece red velvet outfit that was supported with black strappy heels. I thought I looked sexy.

"What's wrong with it. Don't I look sexy?" I asked him eying him up and down. "That's the problem you look TOO sexy" He replied. "I don't see the problem. Now let's go I want to get there early before it gets crowded" I said and grabbed his hand heading for the door.

We finally made it to the stadium and to our seats. People were staring to come in and the announcer said Tupac would be performing any minute. I took out my compact mirror and reapplied my lip stick. Before I put it away I heard Devante suck his teeth.

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked him. "Whatcu' getting all dolled up for?" He said. His aura told me that he was irritated. He'll be fine. "Because I'm seeing TUPAC FUCKIN SHAKUR'S fine ass live nigga! His sexy chocolate bald ass" I yelled in a dramatic playful way. I heard him suck his teeth again but I just shrugged it off.

"GRAB YA GLOCKS WHEN YOU SEE TUPAC! CALL THE COPS WHEN YOU SEE TUPAC!" I yelled with Tupac and the crowd as he rapped his diss track. This was his third song he did for the night, the best date ever. I'll have to thank De when we get home. "Alright people of L.A! We gone throw it back to 1993, when me and my two homies from Digital Underground created this song. Y'all ready?!" He shouted through the microphone.

Everyone hollered as the beat played. I moved closer to the stage not to close and danced along to the beat. I swayed my hips and rapped to the song. When Tupac walked over to my side he looked down at me. He held his hand out to me and I gasped. I looked over at Devante but saw that he wasn't there. Where did he run off too? I'll find out later.

As he pulled me up on stage he spun me so my back was towards him. The music then switched over to How Do You Want It. Now that was my jam. I swayed my hips to the beat and sung along to K-Ci and JoJo's part. He danced along with me with one hand on my hip.

The concert was now finished and Tupac brought me backstage. I was nervous at first but I hyped my self up. When he was done talking to Suge he pulled me to the side. "So Miss...." he stopped his self waiting for me to say my name. "Courtney" I said and smiled brightly. "Did you like the show?" He asked me as he grabbed my hands. I quickly looked at his hands and back at him. "I loved it. Man you're really talented as fuck" I said complimenting him. He chuckled and said thank you. "So I'm about to head to a party. You want to come? That's only if you don't have plans" He said. I don't think De is taking me anywhere else...oh shit! I forgot about my boyfriend!

"Sorry Pac, I cant I have to get back to my boyfriend" I said frowning a little. I want to hang with Pac! "That's fine. But before you leave have this signed bandana as something you can remember this night by." He said handing the bandana to me. I smiled brightly and took it. Saying thank you I left.

"De are you jealous that he pulled me up on stage?" I asked him as we walked through the parking lot looking for our car. He ignored me and walked a little faster. I rolled my eyes and ran in front of him and blocking him every time he made a move. "C'mon De! I was just having fun" I said as I folded my arms.

"But I saw you dancing up all on him like he was your man." He said and I frowned. "Then you're all like 'OH MY GAWDD HE'S SO HOT'" He said mocking me and I giggled. "Alright, look I'm sorry but Tupac is one of my favorite rappers and I was just in the moment." I apologized and wrapped my arms around his long ass neck.

"And you act like you don't be going crazy when you see your favorite celebrities. Like the time me and you saw Janet Jackson that one time" I reminded him. "No that was you, you were busy talking her head off" He said and I took a minute to think. " oh yeah but De, you don't have to be jealous because I'm always gonna come home with you not them. Aight?" I said as I pecked his lips.

"Alright" He said and gave me a sweet and tender kiss. "C'mon let's go get some ice cream" He said holding me close as we walked to the car.

Hope you liked it xoxoTiller
If you want a request pm me!

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