Chapter One

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**AN: Hi again people! I hope you enjoyed the prologue, and I hope you'll enjoy the first chapter <3**


A rainbow bridge appeared on Earth letting a circle shaped mark on the ground, full of ancient writing that no human could ever read. A blonde haired man, with an ancient norse costume, went out of the rainbow bridge. He looked around him and saw the big white hangar right in front of him. He smiled, knowing he came to the right place, and walked towards the entry. He wet along the big lobbies of the building, and finally arrived in a relaxing room, where he found a few of his best friends with some new people he did not know yet.

"Thor! What a pleasure to see you!" A tall blonde haired man said, standing up and coming towards him to hug him the American way.

"Rogers! It feels good to see you!" Thor replied with a big smile.

"Where the hell have you been? And what happened to your hair?" Steve Rogers asked, very concerned by the change of his friend.

"Oh, this... After I lost Mjolnir in a battle with my prison guards in Sakaar, when I was looking for the puppet master who decided to mess with the Infinity Stones, I decided I wanted some change. So I cut them, and I modernised a bit my uniform." Thor replied.

"Prison guards? In Sakaar? What the hell happened?" Steve asked, now worried.

"We'll talk about this later, I have a news for you. But where are Tony, and Vision? Why aren't you all here?"

Natasha Romanoff stood up and said:

"You missed a lot of stuff when you were gone. We were forced to sign a UN Panel decision called the Sokovia Accords, which included to be under governments' agreement for every action that we would have done. What happened in Sokovia and then in Lagos, Nigeria created a massive decision from almost all the countries of the world to regulate us as we were considered as a too dangerous independent intervention group. Tony wanted to sign the Accords, but Steve refused, It created an intern conflict, tearing us apart. At first I was on Tony's side, but only to try to convince him that it wasn't a good idea. Tony kept Vision with him, and added a few more members to his team: his old friend James Rhodes aka War Machine, his new recruit Peter Parker aka Spider-Man, and T'Challa aka Black Panther, the Prince of Wakanda who lost his father late King T'Chaka in an explosion that happened during the signature of the Accords in Vienna. Now, they are the authorised Avengers, the one the governments call if they need an intervention ; and we are considered as criminals, so every time we are intervening somewhere, we are tracked like terrorists while we only try to save everyone's ass!"

"I see. You also have new people, as I can see."

"Yes. You remember Wanda, I suppose. And this is Sam Wilson, alias Falcon." Natasha introduced the new ones to Thor.

"Honoured to meet you. I've heard a lot about you - and your brother too. Steve told me. I'm sorry for your loss." Sam said, shaking hands with Thor.

"Well, I have some news about that too. The last time I saw Loki, he was dying on a dirty field the Dark elves' planet, Svartalheim. It seems like he restarted to use his magic tricks again because I've been told when I was in Sakaar that Loki was governing Asgard and that my father was missing."

"In what does it concern us? I thought you wanted to keep all the problems with Loki a family matter?" Steve asked.

"It concerns you because if Loki is on the throne of Asgard, he might have tried to make bad alliances, and well, even if he had done right things before his fake death like following my plan and saving Jane, he still tricked me afterwards, so it doesn't mean he is on the right side. And he knows perfectly well that the Tesseract is in our vaults, which is a big problem since I think that the person who wanted the Tesseract on the first place still would ask Loki to give it to her, even if he failed her. So this concerns you because must get all the stones and secure them somewhere no one is able to take them. They're too dangerous." Thor explained.

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