Especially since summer began, I spent majority of my days just in my room. Barely even interacting with my parents since they had work. I had no one else but myself esepecially since I'm the only child.

"Ms. Dayes!" Mr. Oliver now yells as I snap my head up and snapping out of my thoughts.

"I-I'm sorry." I stuttered which makes me recieve a chuckle from the class.

I feel my cheeks start to burn red at the embarrassment.

"It's fine. Your seat number is 15." He informs me.

"Thank you." I nearly mumble as I continue to keep my head down and look for my seat.

"Hey." The familiar voice greeted.

I look up to see the person who sat right behind me was him, Gabe.

"Hey." I sighed before sitting down and watching as I continue to fidget with my fingers.

Mr. Oliver continues to do role call as I feel myself falling into this deep hole. I felt as if I was being buried alive for some reason. Anxiety has really gotten the best of me lately.

I hated it.

"Ramsey?" I hear Gabe call.

"Hmm?" I hum in response, hoping he'd hear.

I was also kind of surprised that he remembered my name. Most people don't even remember my face.

"You okay?" He asks, just low enough for the both of us to hear.

"Y-yeah." I lied.

I ignored him for the rest of the History class as I did with everyone else, so that I could focus on the things Mr. Oliver was saying.

"So next week, we will start on reports so please be prepared for that." He ends his class at that as the bell goes off for third period.

I stay seated on my seat as I wait for everyone to leave the room, once again but this time I didn't feel like standing up. I wanted to go home so badly. I don't belong here.

"Hey." I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I jump from fright.

"Sorry, I keep scaring you." Gabe slightly chuckles as he takes a small step back.

"It's fine." I mumbled before getting up and heading out the door.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I didn't even realize Gabe followed me.

"Y-yeah." I lied again as I begin to walk faster.

"O-okay.." Was all he said before I no longer heard him following me.

I was almost late for class so I quickly made the stop at my locker, switched my stuff and ran for my Chemistry class. I was almost out of breath as I walked in. I felt eyes go on me so I instinctively put my hood over my head.

Not even bothering to look at their face, I take an empty seat next to a boy in varisty, letterman jacket.



I bury my face in my hands as I try not to scream from annoyance. Why you may ask? Well because you would never guess who was wearing the exact same jacket this morning.


I was gonna hurl for sure.

"Hey there!" A perky voice goes off next to me.

Wait a minute.

That ain't Ken..

I cautiously look over to the boy sat next to me and see that it really wasn't him.

Undefined | Ken San Jose, Sean Lew, Gabe De GuzmanWhere stories live. Discover now