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I watch the day turn into night as the mountains turn into ocean. This is usually the way it goes, I drive and drive until I find a spot that looks homy and cute. Some times it takes hours and sometimes it takes days. Depends how bad it had gotten in the last town and how far I wanna get away.
It's been about 3 days now I've been driving. The only times I stopped was for food or bathroom. Sleep was never really an issue for me. At first it got really bad I would fall asleep any where I stood still. But eventually I got used to not sleeping much and spent my nights either driving to a new town or exploring the one I chose.
My last town was a small one up in the mountains of North Carolina. It was cute, but eventually the same thing happened as always. It usually starts with the pictures of me then came the letters and shortly after that a package would show up at my doorstep, always containing different stuff, usually disturbing. And then it would end with the video.
    So now here I am driving down the coast, I think I'm going to try to hit somewhere beachy. I'm sick of the mountains and the cold weather. I'm ready for water and tans. I look out at the sky line and see a thin line of light signaling the sunrise and my 4th day on the road. My whole life has consisted of time. How many days I stay in the car. How many hours I can drive without having to pee. How many months I can stay in a town before the first picture comes. It always boils down to time.
    I frown at the lone bag sitting in my passenger seat. Over the years I learned to down size my items, two to three pairs of cloths, 1 pair of shoes, all the Necessities, money, and the box. All of that fits into one small, navy, duffle bag. I don't mind it it goes along with my light blue 2001 Chevy, which I named Stacy on my first run, she runs rough but just what I need.
I look at the clock, it's been 5 hours and 27 minutes since my last stop and my stomach is telling me it's time for another one. I drive for a couple minutes more soon finding a run down gas station, whose sign is falling off the front. I park and walk in looking for anything that seems yummy to me. Poptarts, meh. Honey buns, nope. Holy frack is that...yes it is. White powdered donuts.
I've always had this obsession with white powdered donuts. I don't remember much of my childhood but I remember always eating white donuts, it was just something that always stuck. I grab them as well as a Red Bull and head to the register. I pay and get back on the road.
I drive for another 3ish hours when that Red Bull starts to make its way down town. I'm in the middle of nowhere so I pull over and search for a good tree to suffice. Once finished, I hop back in the truck and start it up, or at least try to. But instead it makes this big poppy noise and black fumes Leak everywhere. I get out quickly, popping the hood. Black smoke fills the road as it spills from my car. After I finish coughing up a lung, I take a look around; I have no clue where I'm at. I was aiming for beaches but based on the cold chill in the air, I took a wrong turn.
    Once the smoke clears I take a look at my car, I'm not anywhere near a mechanic but heat is radiating off the car, so I decided to take a nap and hope that the air will cool it down enough to keep driving.


I wake up to a bright light in my eyes my first thought is, am I dead? But I quickly realize the source of the light was from a police officers flashlight.
    I roll down my window "Are you ok ma'am?" He asks me.
    It takes me a minute to register the question and I try to remember after all these days how my voice work.
    "Um kinda" is all that comes out.
    "Your car doesn't look ok" he flashes his light towards my car.
    "Oh um I think it's overheated" he chuckles at my statement "Darling if you think that's overheated, then you have a lot ahead of you" I stare confused for a minute before he continues, "I'm not no mechanic but I can tell for sure that is a lot more than overheated"
    I mentally curse Stacy, I was still aiming for beaches but this was going to be a set back.
    "I can give you a ride into town and call someone to get your truck" he replies. I nod and hop out of the car. Which also gives me a chance to read his name tag officer Gomez.
    I grab my lone bag out of my truck and climb into Gomez's car. There was an awkward silence before he asked me "Where are you from?" I glanced at him "How do you know I'm not from here?" He smiled and shook his head lightly "Well first of all You have fire, I could see that from the start. Second of all your accent. You don't find things like that in Canada." WOAH! Canada, I really made a wrong turn somewhere. "So I ask again where are you from" There is no point in lying, no matter how long I've been in America my Australian accent still comes out slightly. "Australia" I say trying to be as vague as possible. He gets the hint and drops the question.
"Is there someone's house you want me to take you to, or does a hotel work?" I laugh at the thought of actually having someone to go to.
"Hotel works just fine" I state. No less then 5 minutes later we pull into a dingy motel that's slowing rusting on the outside. Gomez walks me to the door before clearing his throat "Is there a way I can contact you, to let you know when your car is ready." I don't have a phone. I always throw out the old one and get a new one in where ever I plan on staying. "You can find me here" Is all I say before thanking him and walking through the front doors of my new home for the night.


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