With that she took the glass of whiskey and opened the door.

"Everything's clean." She said to the person at the door, offering them the glass of whiskey.

The man at the door gave the woman a questioning gaze before looking inside the room and smiling. He pulled his hood down, revealing the white snapback he was wearing underneath it. The man was black, bald with white glasses, wearing a petrol green coat with a yellow shirt underneath.

"Ah! My kind of welcome!" He spoke with a heavy lisp. He took the whiskey from the woman's hand and took a sip from it. Arnold, on the other hand, was cowering in his seat in shock.

The other man softly approached Arnold.

"No stomach for violence.  I mean, literally, I see one drop of blood, that is me done. I'm like," He gagged, faking vomiting.

"Projectile. Listen, I'm so sorry you had to witness all this unpleasantness due to our uninvited guest." He said, gesturing at James who was lying in two pieces on the ground.

"But I promise you, by the time I've found out who he works for... you and I will be the best of friends."


Meanwhile, back at London, Harry was sitting in one of the backseats of a Kingsman cab without his glasses on.

"To the shop please." He informed the driver. The cab came to a stop at Saville Row W1, Westminster and Harry got off at "the shop" he had mentioned, which was Kingsman, the tailor shop.

Entering through the front door, Harry walked inside. The guy at the front desk looked up.

"Arthur and Guinevere are in the dining room, sir." Giving him a nod, Harry walked up the stairs to the first floor before opening the double doors of the room, revealing a big table in the middle of the room, and an old man at the head of the table, also wearing a suit and a pair of glasses in front of him on the table, along with a decanter and two glasses of brandy. Irene was at the other head of the table, also donned in a light grey pinstriped suit and glasses. She too had a glass of brandy in front of her. Irene turned around and the man looked up just as Harry opened the doors.

"Arthur. Guinevere." Harry greeted both agents respectfully.

"Galahad." Irene smiled back.

"Galahad." Chester King aka Arthur, the boss of Kingsman, responded. "The others were beginning to wonder if we were going to have a double toast." Then, the agents all put their glasses on and holograms of several other agents were revealed to be sitting on the chairs.

"Gentlemen, my lady," Chester started, looking over at Irene as he referred to her. "I'm thankful to say it's been 17 years since we last had occasion to use this decanter." Harry looked up at the monitor on the wall as the profile of James was shown and his eyes then slid to the empty seat which was supposed to be James'. What he didn't notice was Irene's lingering gaze on him.

"Lancelot was an outstanding agent, and a true Kingsman. He will be sorely missed." Chester concluded his speech before holding up his glass. "To Lancelot."

"To Lancelot." Everyone else repeated before downing their glasses. As they all put their glasses down, Chester started speaking again.

"I intend to start the selection process for Lancelot's replacement tomorrow. I want each of you to propose a candidate and have them report to UK HQ no later than 9 p.m. GMT. Thank you." After Irene, Chester and Harry took their glasses off, Chester looked up to see Merlin by the door.

"Merlin. Come in. I suppose you and Guinevere have some things you want to share with us." The Scottish tech expert nodded respectfully before walking in. Harry had a confused look on his face before Chester turned to explain it to him.

Kingsman: The Secret Service - Manners Maketh ManWhere stories live. Discover now