🍁Based on a dream.🍂

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The early October weather blew red leaves across the dirt road, making the woods look more alive than usual.
Broken orange light reached the ground from between the leaves and branches of the tall oak trees, their long arms stretching and groaning beneath the wind. The colors stirred up and blurred together, when I wizzed through a pile of dry leaves. The whole scene was like a kaleidoscope of flowing autumn colors.

A scene like this would surely make one appreciate nature for its true self...
...But not me...

I threw my red bike near the entrance of the old tower in the usual spot next to the other bikes: behind a bush that only had one way in.
And lucky me, my friends and I were the only ones that knew about it!
A nearby puddle became my trash can when i drop-kicked my empty bottle at it with a crunch.
"SCOOORE!" I yelled throwing my arms in the air.
As I walked towards the tower, I noticed my friends where already gathered by the stone entrance.
There were six of us, and we were the only ones that could hang out here.
This tower was our spot.

"Dude that was a horrible shot..." said Beanie. His collar popped and his beanie low. He never showed the top of his head, since it was always covered by a different colored beanie. Thus the name: Beanie

"What are you talking about? I got that right in the middle!" I said pointing at the can with both hands floating in the water.

"Okay, first of all, there are like three puddles there, and you hit the smallest one, so for it to count you gotta get the big one." He said kicking his own empty plastic bottle in the biggest puddle from where he stood at the tower entrance.

"Show off", i mumbled, grabbing my bag and joining him and the group.

"I know." He said walking next to me." Breathing out a content sigh.

Trailing the end of our group, i heard a sound from behind. Spinning around, there was nothing there.

"What are you doing?" Beanie said under a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing..." i said,shaking my head,"...thought i heard something."
As i reached the stony tower doorway, i heard a distinct sound of a bike falling over.
At that exact moment, Beanie and I looked at each other, confirming that this was real.
Breaking off from the group, we stalker back to our bush keeping a good distance from it.
Beanie grabbed a nearby branch and held it like a baseball bat, focusing on the rustling sound ahead.

He motioned me to stop then held a finger to his lips.
I obeyed, and waited patiently, gripping the zipper of my jacket. For some reason, i felt very afraid.
As Beanie moved around the bush to see what was making the noise, his hands tightened around the branch ever so slightly.
He jumped forward, ready to swing, when his body relaxed and the branch hung limply in one hand.
"Hey..hey lady...HEY! Don't touch that!!" He said reaching forward to grab something out of my view.

I moved towards him to see whats going on, and stopped mid step, when i saw him dragging an old lady by her mantel out of the scrub.

She was a little woman, with a big, dirty, old coat and a big orange scarf on, covering most of her dirty face, revealing only her green eyes.

I sighed in relief, and gained a lot of anger instead.

„Thats a lovely red bike you have." she said in an old quiet voice, looking up at us.

I rolled my eyes. "You're not supposed to be here! This is OUR spot! Go away you hobo." i said, motioning towards the dirt road away from here.

„I like all these bikes, but red is my favorite." she said in that same old quiet voice, turning to move back towards it with outstretched hands.

„LADY! Don't touch my bike with your nasty hands!" i yelled, grabbing her by the arm and pulling hard. She spun around quickly, almost loosing her balance on the way.

„Hey. Take it easy. She's an old crazy woman", Beanie whispered to me, instinctively raising his hands to catch the woman.

"I don't care! Thats my bike!" I returned without hesitation.

While i talked to Beanie, the old woman returned to the bike in a blink of an eye.

"What the...HEY! Stop that!" I yelled, once she attempted to sit on the bike.

I grabbed her by the hood of her coat while she had a leg raised, ready to sit, and yanked.

I closed my eyes as we both fell to the ground.

"What the f..." i heard Beanie say before he trailed off and i opened my eyes. The old woman was nowhere to be found.

She vanished.

I sat up with wide eyes and took in the entire perimeter. My eyes rested on Beanie, who looked a couple shades lighter than before.

"I swear to god she was there...and then...then she..." he gestured with his hands "...poof..." he whispered the last part as if to ensure himself that its really what he saw.

I slowly got up, my eyes never leaving my friend. The woods around use became a deafening silent.

"We will never talk about this...ever." I said slowly.
He swallowed hard and nodded once.

And so, we never talked about what happened that day again...

The end.

Yeah yeah...i know its a bad ending, but thats what happened in my dream so DONT JUDGE

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