Chapter 12: The Best Plans Go Awry

Start from the beginning

"Right," Josh forced a laugh. "Okay. Well, I'm going to head back. Change. Take like a five minute shower and I should be back soon to pick up Princess Hope and we will go spend the day with Aiden. He loves your kid to pieces."

For the first time that day, Hayley smiled. "Good. It's nice to know someone will be watching out for her."

"You bet." Josh left and Hayley went over to watch Hope's cartoon with her.

Stepping inside the bakery, Hayley found that Jane Anne was on her way out. "I'm sorry, Hayley, I have to go. You're in charge today," she called before Hayley could protest.

"Great," Oliver groaned, kicking a table leg and then stomping into the back.

Jackson looked a little less upset but still he didn't speak. He, too, headed into the back of the bakery. This left Hayley alone with Cami. "Looks like we're going to have a fun day," Cami cried with a wide smile. Hayley wished she could feel her friend's optimism when the bell over the door rang.

"Of course this is it! What kind of fool do you take me for, Marcellus?" Rebekah Mikaelson's voice pierced the air. Yes, she and Hayley had only hung out once but Hayley thought she would recognize Rebekah's voice in a crowd.

"Bekah," Marcel Gerard groaned as he rubbed the back of his neck and then shot Hayley a grin. "Sorry, my girl likes her drama."

Rebekah gave him a scathing frown before pinning Hayley with a long look. Her lips pursed and her eyes narrowed. "I know you. Who are you?" she demanded, staring at Hayley intently.

"No one. I must just have one of those faces," Hayley said with a shrug. "What can I help you two with?" She walked over to the counter, peering into an empty display case. Oh, yeah, today was going to suck. Big time.

"I know I know you," Rebekah replied. "Marcel, where is she from?" she asked, glancing at her boyfriend.

Marcel looked from the empty display case to Hayley and then to Rebekah. "Not a clue, babe. Are you sure this is the place that Care told Klaus about?" His voice lowered but Hayley could still hear him. "Cause it doesn't look like they do much business."

"Yes. Yes, this is the place," Rebekah snapped, flipping her long locks over her shoulder. "May we see some sort of box or get some samples. You people do open at this time, correct?" Rebekah glanced at her cell phone before she gave Hayley a pointed look.

Hayley preferred drunk Rebekah. "Yes. Sorry. We're running a little late. Our boss had to leave because of a family emergency and we're down two people with an already limited staff."

"Excuses never got anyone anywhere good is what my father always said," Rebekah muttered, tapping away at her cell, her fingernails clicking against the screen while Marcel stared at the walls and ceiling, looking trapped.

"Yeah. Okay. Well, if you have time. I'm sure we can get you some samples in about...forty minutes," Hayley forced a smile while Rebekah let out a scoff.

"Forty bloody minutes. I could have my hair done in that length of time." Rebekah started to head toward the door when she suddenly stopped. "Wait. Wait just a bloody minute. I know where I know you from." Turning on her heel, Rebekah's lips twisted into a smirk. "You're that girl from Nik's and Caroline's engagement party. Oh, now, it's all coming back to me. Ha! How are you, darling?"

Hayley had no idea how to respond as Rebekah beamed at her before heading over to a small table. "Take your time. Oh, wait, no. Come. Come. Sit. I need to show you something."

Forcing herself to walk around the corner, Hayley sat down in the seat beside Rebekah's. "Here. This is a pic of my big brother, Elijah. Now, it seems like he might be seeing someone but I know Lijah, he'll fall head over heels for you in an instant. Other girl be damned."

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