Chapter 10: Time Flies: Part III

Start from the beginning

"He's a priest," Cami told her.

Hayley let out a laugh and then stopped when she realized that Cami was serious. "Oh, my God," she exclaimed.

"Exactly." Cami shook her head before reaching for a cupcake.

The two women continued to talk for the next hour until Cami could barely stand up and had to lay down. "Don't puke on the rug. It has sentimental value," Hayley warned her new friend.

"Gotcha," Cami nodded and then proceeded to pass out.

When there was another knock on the door, Hayley swayed over to it, not bothering to check on who her new caller was. She figured it was probably Davina, coming to check up on Hope, Josh, to do the same, or Jack to reply to her phone call, although he didn't have her address.

"Hayley," Elijah greeted her, his hands on either side of the doorframe, his face coming close enough to hers for her to smell the liquor on his breath. It looked like she wasn't the only one partying tonight. "Hayley, I need to apologize for my behavior," he began when she held up a hand.

"Don't apologize. Just don't come near me or my child again. Are we clear?" Hayley snapped, moving to close the door when Elijah placed his hand on it, pushing it back.

Glaring up at Elijah, Hayley moved closer to him. "Do I have to call the cops?" she threatened, baring her teeth.

"No. That will not be necessary." Elijah stood up a little straighter, but did not move away from her. Instead he stood, staring down at her, making her nervous.

"Fine. So you're going?" Hayley waited for his answer, folding her arms across her chest.

"Yes," Elijah said, nodding. He turned and walked away.

Shaking her head, Hayley closed the door and leaned against it. Closing her eyes, she tried to think of the one million reasons that she should not be attracted to this man. Reason number one being his behavior at her place of work. Reason number two because he was her daughter's uncle. Reason number three... Screw reason number three.

Turning around, Hayley opened the door, with the intention of running down the hall after Elijah when she came face-to-face with him. "Oh!" she cried when he grabbed her, pressing his lips to hers. "Mmm," she moaned as he slid his hands down her body, lifting her off the floor.

"I'm sorry," Elijah whispered when he pulled back to catch his breath.

"I know," Hayley nodded. "Bedroom," she ordered him. He closed the door, flipping the lock, caught sight of Cami, and looked at Hayley with a confused expression. "I'll explain later. Bedroom," Hayley said and he did not have to be told twice.

As soon as the door was closed, Elijah walked over to the bed, laying Hayley down on her back and she smiled while yanking his shirt out from his pants. Seeing him always so put together just made her want to muss him up. He kissed a trail along her collarbone, making her bite her lip. Reaching for his belt buckle, she felt like crying because she needed this. She needed comfort and to not think.

"Hayley!" Cami called from the living room and Hayley wanted to kill her.

"Yeah!" Hayley called while Elijah ran his hands through her hair, kissing her earlobe.

"Do you mind if I get a glass of water?" Cami called.

"No. Knock yourself out," Hayley shouted to her guest. Turning to Elijah, she shook her head before pulling his face back so she could enjoy the way he was looking at her while she rolled him over and straddled him.

"Hayley, where do you keep the glasses?" Cami called and Hayley knew she would kill her friend. Couldn't a woman have sex in her own home without being interrupted?

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