Chapter 6: Saved by the Babysitter

Start from the beginning

Walking over to her daughter and the girl's uncle, Hayley held up the remaining popsicles. "Cherry or Orange?" She asked. As much as she wanted to kick him out of her apartment before things became more awkward, she also wanted him to stay.

"Cherry," Elijah said, holding out his empty hand for the frozen junk on a stick. "Klaus likes Orange."

"Oh, my favorite is cheery, too," Hayley told him as she unwrapped her popsicle.

"Who's Klaus?" Hope asked Elijah who looked at Hayley as his lips pursed. She could see he was posed to give the child an answer but was waiting for Hayley to reply. "Is he your friend, Elijah? Like Josh. He likes boys."

"Hope, it's not nice to tell people other people's personal business," Hayley scolded and Hope stuck her bottom lip out. For a moment Hayley saw an image of Rebekah and shook her head to rid herself of it.

"It's okay. It's not like I keep it a deeply guarded secret," Josh called as he opened the box to Grey's season one and stuck it in the DVD player. "I love Patrick Dempsey. He's got great hair."

"Who's Klaus?" Hope cried out loudly. Hayley felt uncomfortable about why her daughter was fixating on Klaus.

"He's my friend... and my brother," Elijah answered slowly.

Hope smiled and then frowned. "I don't have a brother. Maybe I will one day. After you marry my Mommy then you can make me a baby brother."

"Hope Marshall," Hayley yelled and then winced when Hope's lower lip began to wobble. "Hope, you can't say things like that to people. Elijah, I'm so sorry."

"I think I gave her too much sugar," Josh told Hayley. "Hey, kiddo, want to watch some silly people get cut up and play kissy face?"

"Okay," Hope said, holding out her arms to Josh. "But first I want to hug Elijah good-bye," wrapping her arms tightly around Elijah's neck, Hope squeezed whispering, "Bye." Letting go she allowed Josh to take her.

"Good-bye, Hope," Elijah called, waving at her as she sat on the couch and waved back with both arms flying.

"Well, this has been an exciting day," Hayley told Elijah as she stood close to the door. Elijah was leaning with his back against the doorframe. "I guess I'll see you around

"Unless you would like to make a plan to see each other... sooner rather than later," Elijah replied as he looked down at her and Hayley searched his eyes trying to figure out what he was thinking. However, she could find no clue. He was his usual calm self and she found that infuriating. Why could he not show some kind of emotion that would tell her that he felt something, anything? It was ridiculous. She did not need this kind of drama in her life. She would be better off if he just left and never came back.

"I don't know if that would be such a good idea," Hayley replied quietly. She did not want Hope to hear her and to protest. That would just make this even more difficult.

"If that is what you wish," Elijah replied. Turning, he reached out and unlocked the door and then twisted the knob. Hayley wanted to beg him to not go but she refused to do that. She was not needy.

"Good-bye, Hayley," Elijah said with a smile.

"Good-bye," Hayley replied as she closed the door and she could see him walking down the hall.

Pressing her head against the door, Hayley cursed her life and herself for being a fool and for being a proud fool on top of it. Turning around, Hayley saw that Elijah had left his jacket and tie on the back of her desk chair. "Josh, I've got to take those things to Elijah," Hayley said as she hurried over to grab the belongings of her guest.

"Sure, take your time," Josh called, his eyes glued to the screen.

Hayley went to the door and pulled it open. She locked the door before running toward the stairs. Taking the extra time to make sure she did not fall was killing her as she got to the front door. Yanking it open, Hayley ran out to the sidewalk and began to run down the street hoping that she would see Elijah. As she went around a corner, she collided with a man and gasped.

"Hayley," Elijah seemed amused as he caught her around the waist.

"Hi, I was looking for you. You forgot you're jacket and," Elijah did not give her time to finish her sentence as he covered her lips with his. "Tie," Hayley finished as he pulled away. "We have to stop doing that," she breathed while reaching out and pulling him to her and kissing him back.

"Hayley, what are doing?" Elijah asked when she pulled away from him.

"I have no idea but it feels incredible," Hayley told him as he pulled her to him again.

"Get a room," someone yelled at them but they did not care because they were far too interested in each other.

Finally, Elijah took a step backward. Pulling out his wallet, he withdrew a card and began to write on it. "This is my number at work, one at home and my cell. You call me anytime and we can figure out what exactly this is," he said before pulling her to him and kissing her again.

Sighing as Elijah stopped kissing her and began to walk away, Hayley wanted to follow him. She wanted him to take her home with him but she needed to go home. There were things that she needed to do. Smiling to herself, Hayley walked back to her apartment. Having no idea what she was going to do with the card, she tucked it into her pocket and walked back into her building. Perhaps she would call. Perhaps she wouldn't. Thinking of Elijah's lips, Hayley had a feeling that she would be calling him sooner than later. She just hoped that she did not come to regret it.

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