Chapter 2: Guardian Angel?

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Somehow Hayley lost track of the time as she sat talking to Elijah Mikaelson. One thing that the Mikaelson family did not seem to lack was good-looking, charming men. That was not something that Hayley had been expecting and she kept trying to force herself to ask Elijah for some manner in which she could contact Klaus directly so that she ask him for the smallest of loans. It would be just the tiniest of sums. By the looks of it he could afford it and much, much more...

However, that was not the point. She was not here to extort money from her child's father. She did not even want to see him again. Yeah, they had fun together. One night. No strings. Just a hookup. It was not supposed to have resulted in a life changing occurrence for Hayley. She had been happy with her life as a freshman at a community college studying the art of baking. Then one night she went to a party where she met Klaus. He was cute and talked about his art collection back in his dorm room. They went back there to take a peek at his work. She wasn't that into his art but she was also drunk. Waking up the next morning with a splitting headache she had left while he was still asleep. One month later, her head was hanging over a toilet with a pregnancy test in her hand.

"And that is why my brother, Kol, is not allowed to enter Peru," Elijah was saying and Hayley began to laugh even harder.

Covering her mouth because she did not want to wake her sleeping daughter who was lying on a couch in the Great room of the Mikaelson home, Hayley could not help but grin. "He sounds crazy," Hayley told Elijah who nodded and unsuccessfully prevented himself from chuckling louder. "Tell me, Elijah, are all the Mikaelsons a little crazy or just the younger ones?"

Elijah leaned toward her with a smile of his own. "I'm sure that if you spend any time with me you'll find me either the most sane or the least. I've been told I'm both." Sitting back in his seat, Elijah picked up his empty glass. "Well, it would appear that our glasses are once again lacking? Would you like me to refill yours or simply place it in the sink?"

Thinking for a split second, Hayley glanced at her daughter. It was getting late and if she was to ask Elijah how to contact Klaus and get of here before night fall now would be it. "Actually, I think I'll help you." Getting to her feet, Hayley walked beside Elijah in comfortable silence. When they entered the kitchen Hayley could only stare in awe at the size of it. It was almost as large as her entire apartment. It just did not seem fair the turn life gave people sometimes. Shrugging off the moment of jealousy, Hayley focused on Elijah as he turned to take her glass.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak Elijah spoke first. "How much do you need, Hayley?" he inquired lightly but Hayley felt her body tighten up at his words. She should have known better. Folding her arms over her chest, Hayley did not speak until Elijah turned to look at her, leaning back against the sink.

"What makes you think that I came here because I need money?" Hayley snapped, glaring at Elijah.

Elijah's lips turned upward and for a moment she saw a hint of what she thought was a smirk she had seen on Klaus' face the night she met him. The expression only made her angrier. "You mentioned that you have not had contact with my brother for three years. And you have not been in any hurry to leave. Now, either I can deduce that I am a wonderful host or that you have nothing else to do on a Tuesday afternoon. If I am wrong than I do apologize?"

Feeling on the edge of breaking down, Hayley just shook her head. "You are wrong. And I was wrong for coming here. I'm sorry that I interrupted whatever you would be doing during your usual Tuesday afternoon." Marching out of the kitchen, Hayley re-entered the Great room and picked up her sleeping child. Carrying her to the front door, Hayley reached for the handle when Elijah stepped in front of her. "Get out of my way, Elijah," Hayley said as quietly as possible but with enough venom that most people would back down.

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