Chapter 1:The strange dream

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I wake up at 7.00 o'clock from a strange and scared dream. My dream was about my mother and my dad one afternoon where shouting and I was up stairs playing, but when I go down stairs to know what was the screaming and shouting my mother look at me when I was going down stairs and she does a strange and rare movement.... But let's go and start the day this is what my dream was about, but I was thinking what was the final of my dream?! This was a dream with no sense I say to myself why was my mom shouting and my dad?

Lately I go down stairs to have breakfast and prepare all the things to school. My mom as always when I finish my breakfast she gives me a hug and kisses and she says: Jade, my daughter, good luck!! lovee youu!!- And the I take the bus and talk to my friends meanwhile the bus takes us to school.

In the school..

The first subject that we had, was Geography ( Arggg!! I don't like it to much, but it's okay! guys comment on the comments or in here what is your favourite subject of the school), it's okay but I don't like it too much, my favourites subjects are arts and physical education. I love more physical education becuase it have different options and you can choose what you want!! When my teacher ask me, I and my friends choose rhythmic gymnastics and ballet dance. One of my best friends choose the same as I.

When I was in my last class I said to my best friend of my group that her name is Lilliana (they where best friends since that group was formed and when they where 7 years old) *whispers*:Hey Lilly do you wanna do a sleepover tonight in my house? - Lilly respond *whispers*: HEYY YEAH!! but first I'm going to comment my mom and go to my house to take my clothes and my things! I said *whispers*: Okay!! now let's pay attention to the mathematics class.

When the school finishes my mother send me a meassage explaining me that one baby sister is going to pick me up from school! 

My babysister was like this:

It was one of my worst and best dreams, because from one part I was enough independent to care about me and my sister ( but sometimes I don't  put up with my sister, because she is insoportable) and from the other part it was my dream come true be...

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It was one of my worst and best dreams, because from one part I was enough independent to care about me and my sister ( but sometimes I don't  put up with my sister, because she is insoportable) and from the other part it was my dream come true because my babysister was one of the famous actors from all the Untied States!!! The name is Sabrina Carpenter!!

When my babysister was coming quickly to my I send a message to my bff Lilly saying:Heyy lilly please answer mee quickly.. In this moment my babysister stand up in front of me and she ask me: Are you Jade Shaknaitis?- I respond affraid: Yess.- She took my hand and she said: So let's go home..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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