"What's wrong?" He asked whilst placing a hand on my thigh and I sighed.

"Nothing, I've just been getting these awful looks all day." I replied and they all gasped slightly and I looked at them all, ashamed almost.

"What the hell." Betty spat, they all looked angry and I just told them I was fine and they don't need to worry, even though I wasn't. 

"How's your dad Jug?" I asked and it was his turn to sigh as he stopped eating.

"Well the most recent update, is that he's being asked who he did it with, because it might knock off a few years." Jughead said and I furrowed my brows and my arms folded.

"Just drop them under the bus, I mean,
It's worth it to get your dad out. Who was his partner in crime for this then?"
I asked and everyone's heads turned to me and I raised and eyebrow and shrugged mr shoulders.

"What?" I asked and Jug sighed again and I could see the sympathetic looks being thrown my way, which made me feel nervous.

"It was Joaquin, Raven." Kevin said and my eyes widened, that's why he left!? I couldn't believe it, my twin brother helped cover a murder and still let me suffer in that cell even though he knew I didn't commit the crime. I shook my head in disbelief and I sighed, I generally couldn't believe it!

"Great." I muttered, and silence fell through the air of our table, because no one knew what to say. Cheryl then approached our table, and I was sure that she was going to yell, but instead she handed me a broach and I scanned it with my eyes whilst spinning it around in my hand, it was her lucky spider.

"Why are you giving this to me?" I asked and her big red lips smiled, as she showed her white teeth.

"I'm dearly sorry about the other day Raven, I shouldn't have yelled at you and I apologise. You could get good money with that thing, enough to keep you playing piano forever." She said and I thanked her, before she walked off without a second word. I furrowed my brows and everyone looked at me stunned, but I felt exactly how they looked, shocked....

Me, Jughead and Archie arrived at Archie's later on that day and we were all laughing about something from since we left the school building. We walked into the kitchen and we smiled at Fred, before seeing a woman standing there and my heart dropped.

"Jughead, Raven. This women is from social services." Fred said, the woman shook our hands and smiled warmly, but all I wanted to do was hit her. She began to talk about our living accommodations and how stressful our lives have been lately and she just had no idea what it's like to be us.

"There's two families, both on the south side who are willing to foster." She said and I shrugged, it didn't sound that bad. "But unfortunately, you'll be in a different school radar and you'll have to transfer." She said and my eyes widened, but Archie has already kicked off about it, our hands had been intertwined since the minute she began speaking, I squeezed his to calm him down.

"When the hells this supposed to even happen!?" Archie asked angrily and she looked at us, with the same smile she's had since she got here.

"Unless something changes with your farthers case Jughead, or yours returns Raven, the paper work has been processed. You'll be in the South side by the end of the week." She said and we all exchanged sad, yet scared expressions. I stormed out of the house, my eyes were turning red from the tears I had been holding, Why the hell do I have to go!? I'm happy here, with my boyfriend and Fred and my best friend, I didn't get it. My fist collided with a wall, causing my fists to bleed and bruise almost immediately. I heard Archie run over to me, he saw my fists and he rushed me inside and ran my knuckles under cold running water. His thumb wiped away my tears and he sighed, I knew he hated seeing me like this but I needed to release my frustrations.

"You scare me when you do this, I hate it, I hate seeing you upset or angry." He said and i looked up at him, he had a small smile and I kissed his cheek, before nuzzling into his neck.

The next day, I put a brave face on and walked through the halls with my head held high, i strutted past people's dirty looks, until I reached my locked which made my eyes widen and fill with tears, my hand covered my mouth as I stared at it in shock.

Archie's POV

"Guys come with me, now." Kevin said and we all began to stand up. "It's Raven." He said and I began to sprint to where he told me that she'd be, I pushed past a huddle of people and saw her standing there, Betty by her side. I saw what was written on her locker and my arm fell around her shoulders, she went to reach for the locker but I stopped her. Rage bubbled inside me as I thought of the disgusting person who did this, I generally wanted them dead.

"Let go Arch, it's just a dumb jerk with a spray can." She said, her voice shaky as tears fell, before i whispered in her ear.

"I don't think that's paint, Raven." I said , before leading her away from the scene. Her locker had many vandalised pictures of Raven at the woods and in pigs blood wrote "Go to hell, you murderous Serpent freak." People clearly didn't know that it wasn't her yet, Betty hasn't released her article about it all yet... I took Raven home after a few kisses and a conversation later, I sent her to go take a nap or something to calm down as she had been upset, I could tell.

Ravens POV

I was sent upstairs to sleep, but I wasn't tired, instead I sat on the stairs to listen to what Archie would tell Fred.

"With everything else going on, it's gotten even worse!" Archie yelled angrily, I heard his dad calming him down however.

"What happened?" Fred asked.

"Raven was getting threats, on her locker, in pigs blood, I mean where the hell do you even get pigs blood!?" He yelled and I knew it was a rhetorical question, and that's why I didn't hear Fred reply.

"I wanted to smash whoever did that through a wall dad!" He yelled and I breathed a small laugh, he was very protective of me, which was cute. I knew exactly how I could free myself, and everyone else from all this stress. I went into the spare bedroom and shut the door behind me, before dialling his number and placing my phone to my ear...

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