chapter 1 - Pilot

Start from the beginning

"It's the Queen!" Doc told them. "Run."

Snow drew Charming's sword, pointing it at the Queen.

Priscilla walked toward the Evil Queen angrily. "She's not a queen anymore. She's nothing more than an evil witch that likes to toy with everyone. Especially ones that she has the wands to control them with."

"Like your precious adoptive daughter Vasilisa, Priscilla," the Evil Queen told her. "All the two of you want is a happy ending, though you won't be until you reunite your family. And you won't be able to as long as I have the wand that controls her. I may be the evil witch, Priscilla, but you are with magic, too, Light Witch. Why don't you try again to try to get the wand from me? Because Vasilisa can't get it back from me herself, so it leaves it up to you."

Priscilla raised her hand to perform a spell.

Vasilisa took Priscilla's hand to stop her. "No, no, no, no. Don't stoop to her level, or the level of your father. There's no need. I will be okay, Priscilla." She looked at the Evil Queen. "You're wasting your time. You've already lost. And I will not let you ruin this wedding."

"You have no choice but to listen, Vasilisa, while I have this with me," Evil Queen told her. "But I haven't come to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I've come to give you all a gift."

"We want nothing from you," Vasilisa told her.

"But you shall have it," Evil Queen told them. "My gift is this happy, happy day. For tomorrow, my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do."

The Evil Queen twisted her hands around Vasilisa's wand, making her gasp in pain, turning around to leave with the wand, meaning to take Vasilisa with her.

Priscilla threw a hurl of magic fire toward the Evil Queen in an attempt to help free Vasilisa from her control. "No!"

The Evil Queen disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke, as did the hurl of fire.

Priscilla and Vasilisa looked at each other worriedly, as Evil Queen used the wand to make Vasilisa disappear in a whirl of white light and smoke, making Priscilla once again upset, angry and horrified.

Snow and Charming held onto each other, brave against the threat, but nervous that it was real.


 Our World

Day One

Night - On the Road - Bus 

In Our World, Vasilisa was cursed into a normal little girl with strawberry blonde hair, a homeless girl named Lisa. She was looking at a book of fairytales in her lap. 

Two other children, twins named Henry and Rosalie "Rose" Mills, were sitting next to Lisa.

"It's more than just a book," Lisa told them.

"Lisa, can really bring us to our real family?" Henry asked.

Lisa smiled. "We're about to find out."

Woman: (on PA) "Boston sub-station. Thank you for riding Greyhound."


Bus Station - Outside

Worlds Colliding (Once Upon A Time) Book One (Dedicated to @MakiSakura)Where stories live. Discover now