Military Going In, Civilians Going Out

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- You said 3 or 4 hours ago, correct? - She nodded. - That's weird.

- What do you mean?

- If you are gonna kill someone - A tear ran down her face as I emphasised that word. - then it's only natural that you try to do it in the most oportune time, meaning about 2 hours ago, when everyone was either asleep or walking or gone or... whatever activity. I guess we're dealing with a very dumb killer. This should be easy then!

- Wait... Anne and John were also gone for some time, remember? And... I was also, but I didn't do it, and you know it.

- So Tyler, Anne, John, Pete, Ivy and Andrew. - I mumbled to myself, leaving the room. - This is gonna be so much fun.

Now that I come to think of that, Anne and John were gone for quite some time. They left and came together, under the pretext of "I'm gonna go help with the dessert" and "Yeah, me too". Their words were so mumbled that it actually seemed like they were only saying them to have an excuse in case people remembered them leaving, but that nobody should've actually heard. Very suspicious behavior. While coming down the stairs, I wrote it down on my notebook, also remembering that there were no certainties as to who actually helped out in the kitchen when lunch was over. I bumped into Erica on my way down, and while apologizing, I noticed a big bruise on her face.

- What happened to your face? - She turned around.

- Oh, this? I bumped into a door after I gave my phone to John. Why?

- Are you okay? You should put some ice on that...

- Yeah, I know. I putted it already, but it's still pretty bad. Pretty sure there's blood on the door too, so I'm trying to clean it now. I just don't know where they keep their products to clean. And I'm certainly not gonna ask them right now about that... - She paused. - I didn't even know her that well... The only thing I knew about her was that she liked mystery books. I gave her some, but I don't know if she liked it. By the way, any leads? I find it curious that when the detective comes, murders start happening. Maybe I'll write something about you. Please keep me updated, will you? - She asked rhetorically. She slowly went up the rest of the stairs and I continued my way down.

I caught Sarah, Tobias and Louise preparing to leave the house and asked:

- Where are you going?

- Home. - Louise was clearly drunk while she said those words. - Mrs. Mrs. died and so we're - She paused. - not gonna stay here. - She finally finished.

- I'd prefer if you'd stay here.

- Because? - Sarah's tone revealed her impatience.

- Formal things. - I said, creating an excuse that even I knew wouldn't fool them.

- Sorry, we're going... You don't have any reasoning to stop us so don't even try to threat us. I know my rights.

- If you need anything you can come over and ask us. - They left through the front door and she was right: I couldn't stop them, and even though Tobias said I could ask them whatever, he was playing a role hard to unravel, even for me. To this day, I still wonder about his attitudes...

Guy and Victoria, however, stayed. After begging her a lot (I'm not joking), she finally accepted the request from "her peasant". I had no idea why she was like that, although my most likely hypothesis seemed to check out: she was still the spoiled brat she had born.

After "accepting the request", she also "accepted the questions", to which she always responded dismissively.

- You're not exactly answering my questions. - I commented.

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