Chapter 1 - The Encounter

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(y/n) - your name

(l/n) - last name

(e/c) - eye color

(h/c) - hair color

(h/t) - hair type

(f/s) - face shape

(m/n) - mother's name

(f/n) - father's name

I know there are a lot of keys but please bear with me T_T

Third-person pov

"Why can't you play the music as it's written?!"

"I-I-I'm sorry..." sobbed the little girl. Her head hung low in shame, as her tiny hands clutched around her (f/c) dress tightly. 

"You know what?" asked the plump middle-aged woman angrily, "I am DONE! I am done with YOU!"

"I have tried and tried to teacher you piano. But I can't possibly hammer the written music into your stupid little head!"

"M-Miss! Please!" begged the girl desperately, " Please, just give me another chance!"

The piano instructor then lets out a sarcastic laugh, "Oh please, (y/n), you haven't been able to move beyond measure 12 in two months!" Her piercing blue eyes glared down at the heartbroken little girl, with no existing mercy or even pity in them.

"Let me just tell you one thing, (y/n)" said the woman with a sickeningly sweet voice as she declared, "Just give up."

(y/n)'s head snapped up as she looked at the woman with eyes widened in disbelief.  Her words are like razor sharp sword, piercing through her fragile glass heart. Leaving it shattered to millions of pieces.

The woman continued with a wicked smile painted across her plump face, "You are never going to be able to play the piano. You are simply not suited for something like this."

"Now, if you would excuse me." And with that she slammed the door and walked away without looking back.

The little girl was sobbing uncontrollably now. Her cheeks soaked with her tears, as her tiny hands desperately tried to wipe them away. (e/c) eyes became puffy and red, as a muffled scream was stuck in her throat refusing to come out.

That little girl was (l/n) (f/n). 

She is the only child of a decently rich family, and loved her family more than anything else in the world. Her father appeared cold but was a caring man. And her mother was a beautiful woman who had the most stunning voice. She was also an excellent pianist, which inspired (y/n) to start learning piano. (y/n) couldn't have been more happy with her family. But what do you know, nothing lasts forever. 

Little did (y/n) know, her mother was getting weaker and weaker day after day.

A few days after (y/n)'s fourth birthday, she was called to her mother's bedroom.

And there (y/n) found her mother lying across her bed looking thin, pale, and even ghost-like.

"Mom!" yelled (y/n) as she rushed to her mother's side.

"Hi sweetie," replied the pale woman softly, "Mommy's alright so don't worry, sweetheart."

"But (y/n), listen to what I have to say."

(y/n) nodded.

"Promise me that you would make (f/n) happy and take good care of him." a single bead of tear rolled down her pale cheeks as she squeezed (y/n)'s hands tightly.

"Mom, why are you crying?" asked (y/n) shakily, "You are scaring me."

"I love you..." and with that last sentence,

(m/n) fell into an eternal slumber.

(y/n) simply felt miserable. 

Not only was she not able to play the piano, she probably made her father furious by wasting expensive lessons while not being able to learn anything.

She shivered as she imagined her father's reaction to the news. The man went through a drastic change after the passing of his beloved wife. It's as if his soul was sucked out of his body, leaving him a dead man walking. The once amused eyes lost its former shine, as his heart shattered to millions of pieces. Far beyond the point of being repairable.

All (y/n) wanted now was to be able to play the piano. Just a single song. So maybe, just maybe, she can bring back her father's happiness even by a little. But now, everything's ruined. All because of her disobedient fingers that moves on their own when they touch the black and white keys.

When she was too engrossed with her own thoughts, the door cracked open. 

The sound quickly brought (y/n) back to her conscious. Beyond the door, stood her father.

"(y/n)," called (f/n), "Stand up, it is not very lady-like to sit on the ground."

"Y-yes, father." the (h/c) girl replied with a coarse voice as her eyes remained glued to the ground.

"Look at me."

(y/n) slowly lifted up her head, as her heart raced furiously. And once she's done that, she found (f/n) staring at her with a expression that she can't quite place. Anger? Disappointment? 

After a few silent moments (f/n) began, "You are not going to continue having piano lessons anymore."

(y/n) tried her hardest not to protest or start crying, afraid that she would only anger him even more than she have so she murmured, "Understood, father..."

Then (f/n) silently walked away without saying another word.

Time Skip

The heartbroken sobs of the (h/c) girl could be heard throughout the silent playground. 

"I'll n-never be g-good at anything!" cried (y/n), "Mother, I'm so sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"I wish I could make father happy like you asked me..." whisper the girl, "I wish you were here with me mommy... Why did you leave me...?"

"What are you doing, crying on the ground like that?" asked an unfamiliar voice.

"Eeek!" exclaimed (y/n) as she quickly scrabbled up in attempt to run away from the stranger.

"Hey, wait!" the voice asked again as a relatively small hand grabbed ahold of (y/n)'s wrist, "Why were you crying?"

"B-because... I can't do anything to make father happy..." replied (y/n) quietly as she tried to tuck her wrist away from the hold of the hand. However, no matter how hard she tucked the hand remained there.

That was when (y/n) found the stranger's hand rested on top of her head. Which strangely calmed her down, then (y/n) decided to take a look at the stranger out of curiosity.

In front of her stood a boy around her age. He had messy raven hair and piercing blue-green eyes. On top of that, he had on the most breathtakingly beautiful smile painted across his face.

"Everything is going to be alright..." said the boy softly as he gently patted (y/n)'s head, "as long as you try your best, I'm sure your feelings would be delivered to him."

"R-really?" asked (y/n) hopefully as she wiped the last existing teardrop resting on her cheek, "You promise?"

"I promise."


Finally! I'm done! This is probably the longest chapter I've written so rip me.

Well I hope you guys enjoy!

Thanks so much for reading and I'll see y'all later bye!

kawaiicat23 :3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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