Chapter 2: Spring Cleaning

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He was running there was no tomorrow. Why? He didn't know. He just wanted to flee from the place that reminded of Kagome. Thoughts of what happened a few moments ago. Kagome's words have pierced through his heart like a million daggers. He didn't want Kagome to leave but didn't know how to tell her to stay. He was too proud to beg. He was simply trying to stop her in his own way.

'Why doesn't she understand me?'

He was so frustrated over the fortnight living alone and he had been waiting near the well for past two days eagerly for Kagome to return. He was overjoyed when her saw coming out the well. He was a free spirit and sitting idle was not his forte so with Kagome's return he was expecting to be on the roads again. WITH HER. However his internal festivities were cut short with Kagome's announcement of going back. It angered him to no end however he never meant to be rude. He thought maybe he acted selfishly today but that was just like him. He didn't know how else to act. Years of scornful gazes and curses from the humans and murdering attempts from the demon that made him rude and selfish. How else could he survive?

'Doesn't Kagome understand. Does she think I am worthless to even be a friend? And what was that about Kouga!?' Suddenly his self-pity turned to extreme anger at thought of his rival. This was his only weapon against the harshness of the world. It had saved him from being killed and to kill him in these years.

"That rude arrogant bastard is supposed to be better than me. HAH! All that wimpy wolf does is run around wagging his tail like a love sick puppy. I wish I could yank that tail off his back whenever he wags it? Loving and caring. FEH! How I hate that idiot." Waves of jealously ran down his spine as he gritted his teeth in anger.

However all this running was exhausting him. He stopped and decided to rest up. He was out breath; the summer heat was making him sweat profusely and he needed to cool off. Stopping, he looked around and found himself deep in the forest. He sniffed the air and scents told him of a spring nearby and he bound towards it jumping from tree to tree.

Upon reaching the spot he found a nice spring amidst a small clearing surrounded by huge trees with a thick canopy shading the area from sunlight. Occasional gaps were present in the canopy through which sunrays sipped in, bathing the place with light in heavenly way. The soft grass swayed from the gentle breeze and flowers covered the forest floor except the places occupied by large boulders. The place was quiet except for a few sounds of the insects. The spring had a beautiful waterfall on one side with water splashing on the few large boulders sitting near the shallow part of the spring.

The scenery and the quiet environment seemed to lessened the pain in his heart and a calm washed over him. He quickly undressed and moved towards the spring. However a thought hit him and he returned to his clothes searching for something. Quickly he found the small bottle Kagome had given him a few days before. She told him to use it while bathing and he had put it away without a second thought.

With the bottle he ran towards the spring dunking himself into the water. The cool water and the pleasing sight seemed to have relaxing effect on him. He swam to the boulders and he stood on one of them letting the water from the falls wash off the dirt and grime from his body. He opened the bottle and took the small amount of gooey stuff and began washing his hair and body of the dirt.

Unknown to him his so-called rival had just arrived to 'his' area. Yes his bathing area. Kouga had been coming to this place since he was a kid. No one else knew of it. And he had accidentally discovered the area when he was out hunting. The beauty of the place amazed him and he found it an excellent place to relax after a tiring day of council work.

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