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My aunt laughs when I tell her I am neither Capulet nor Montague, she laughs when I tell her that I am just human.

"Rowena" she chuckles "you are a Capulet. Be proud of that" her voice is amused yet stern, she finishes my headdress and stands back to admire her work

"Beautiful" she smiles "just like your mother" I turn to the mirror on my left. I am beautiful. My aunt has shown me pictures of my mother and I do not do her justice. Her beauty was something rare, a natural beauty that captured everyone's gaze. My headdress is something quite ridiculous, extravagant, and complicated as hell. It too is beautiful.

"Thank you I love it" I smile and try to hug her she pushes me away

"You'll ruin your headdress" she sighs "keep your head up and please be aware of your surroundings" she orders as she straightens my dress for the fifth time and plucks away imaginary lint.

"We're going to be late" I huff in exasperation

"Nonsense" she says now having moved onto her own dress which is already perfect "everyone else is simply early" I laugh at this and shake my head, slowly so as to not ruin my headdress.

"Everyone meaning the five people who actually like me?" I mumble but my aunt catches my words

"Don't be ridiculous Rowena" she says fixing her perfect hair

"Finished?" I ask, my hands on my hips. My heels are highly uncomfortable and I can barely stand them. The sooner we arrive to the party the sooner I can ditch my shoes behind some bush.

"Finished" my aunt smiles, satisfied with her appearance

"Lets go" I say impatiently

"Don't pout Rowena it's not ladylike" she scolds. I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at her when she's not looking

"I saw that" she calls

"Well it is my birthday" I justify myself

"Fine I'll let it slide today" my aunt says smiling "now lets go the guests are waiting" we go down the stairs and into the open air pavilion. It's been arranged just for my birthday. Red and gold banners decorate the pillars and there are tables spread out with platers of food and fruit. There's also a table at the very back with wine and I'll only be allowed a single cup of it. It's gonna be a long night. As soon as we arrive every head turns to see us, there are more people than I expected. I flatter myself thinking they're seeing me but I know they're all looking at my aunt, she looks dazzling. They're all probably here for the free food as well.

"Happy birthday" they all call out, raising their cups

"Thank you" I say and bow in fake gratitud. Immediately my aunt is swept into the crowd. I use this opportunity to ditch my shoes but my other aunt stops me

"Rowena" she smiles

"Lady Capulet" I say and bow my head in respect

"Happy birthday my dear girl" she says kindly, her husband is somewhere in the crowd, she's looking for him, I can tell.

"From all of us" she says giving up on her search

"Did Juliette not come?" I ask confused

"I am afraid not" lady Capulet sighs "she had some spoiled food and couldn't travel"

"Oh" I say disappointed but quickly put on a smile "well, I hope she gets better. Tell her I say hi and I hope she'll visit soon"

"I'll tell her" she smiles and joins the party. I sigh and manage to hide in the trees. I take off my stupid heels and relish in the feeing of having the soft green grass between my toes

"Are proper ladies allowed to go barefoot?" A voice behind me says startling me. I spin around and find Mercutio smiling smug, leaning against a tree

"You scared me half to death" I complain

"Thank god it wasn't fully or else this would be one sombre party" he jokes and pushes off the tree "happy birthday"

"Thanks" I say rolling my eyes at him

"Happy birthday" Romeo says emerging to my left

"Happy birthday" Benvolio says pulling me into a tight hug, making me blush. He's one of the few people who dare touch me. Everyone thinks I'm haunted which is just ridiculous.

"Thank you" I say once he lets go of me "I'm glad you came"

"Thank you for inviting us" Romeo says kindly

"It wouldn't be my birthday party if you three weren't here" I smile, they may be older than me but they're like my brothers, my best friends. Except Mercutio, he is something else, hopefully.

"Now if anyone makes a fuss you tell me alright?" I ask sternly they all chuckle and nod "that'll make them leave you alone"

"Well, look what the cat dragged in" Tybalt growls from behind me

"Speak of the devil" Mercutio whispers as rolls his eyes

"What are you three doing here?" Tybalt asks

"I invited them" I say defensively "is there a problem?" Tybalt raises an eyebrow and looks down at me, literally and figuratively.

"There is a problem Rowena" he spits "these good for nothing scumbags should not be here"

"They are my guests" I says forcefully "and if that's too much of a problem with you then you can leave" Tybalt's eyes narrow and he looks at me in frustration and anger

"You'll chose them over your family?" He asks calmly, his question makes me take a step back

"No" I whisper, blinking repeatedly "I... they're my friends... I'm not choosing anyone over anyone" I say dumbfounded

"Well it sure looks like that" Tybalt smirks, satisfied that he managed to push my buttons

"I'm not" I repeat "you're both my family"

"Everyone says that you're a Capulet but deep down you know you're not, and I'd rather die than be related to a Montague" Tybalt sneers, I take another step back and try to contain my tears but they slip out. Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio realize and they all take a step forward. Tybalt smiles as if urging them to do something but I clench my teeth and step up to him. My slap rings throughout the forest and my hand stings from the impact. No one moves, they're all shocked, especially Tybalt.

"Get out" I growl Tybalt scoffs and puts his hand to his cheek

"Excuse me?" He growls leaning down towards me

"Rowena said get out" Mercutio says stepping forward. Tybalt looks at him and at me. He shakes his head in disbelief

"And you call yourself a Capulet" he spits and disappears in the crowd

"Rowena are you alright?" Benvolio asks I nod and wipe my tears away

"Come on" I say trying to be cheerful "it's my birthday, let's have some fun"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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