episode 25

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Sanskar came frm office nd see all r in hall ,but ragini was nowhere...sanskar in mind ragini was not here means she must be in our r uttara room ,he feels happy as he gets some privacy to spend time with ragini...he goes to his room nd doesnt find ragini...he checks uttara rm nd swalak rm but no where...he comes to hall nd goes to ap..before sanskar could ask ,

ap(interrupted): i have work in kitchen...saying she goes

sanskar goes to suji,again he about to ask but suji also goes while saying ur papa  calling me..he goes to laksh ,laksh also excused himself while saying i got a call..sanskar was irritated as no one tells about ragini...finally sanskar stands in middle of hall nd shouts loudly plz anyone can tell where is ragini...all r laughed by seeing his frustration...

laksh moves towards sanskar while laughing ,he says bhai cooldown ragini went badi...

sanskar : badi??but y...

ap : shekhar came nd took swarag to their home ,they stay there till marriage...

sanskar : what???till marriage...

ap : dnt worry they will come tomorrow for ragini mehandi...

sanskar goes to his room nd called ragini but she was not answering his call..he gets fresh nd takes his car key nd drags laksh with him..while ap asked where r both going...sanskar replied we will be back in 30min...

In car laksh asks bhai where r we going...

sanskar :badi..


Sanskar:to make u meet swara

laksh:bhai...now tell truth

Sanskar( smiles):areh dumb..for ragini..

Laksh:then y took me..

Sanskar:u will get tp knw

laksh  rolled his eyes..

Sanlak reached badi...sanskar knocked d door swara opens d door nd sees sanlak..

Swara:u both r here ..this time(rememer it was night)...

sanskar : vo..laksh wants to see u thats y we came ,laksh looked at sanskar shockingly...

swara invited them inside ...

laksh :where r sumi aunty shekhar uncle ..

swara : they went  out of town for some work...

sanskar eyes searchinig for someone..swara noticed this nd says ragini was in her room i will call her...

sanskar : i will go...swara smiles.. sanskar goes to ragini's room...

swalak r alone..both felt nervous..

laksh :vo..bhai lied he only took me here ...

swara : i knew it..nd they become kept silent...

Sanskar comes to ragini room nd sees ragini who was jst comes out frm d washroom wearing bathrobe...Ragini was shocked to see sanskar there nd asks what r u doing here...sanskar closed d door ...nd moves towards ragini who was stepping back..he pins her to wall..

sanskar:y u didnt imformed me that u r going to badi..

Ragini : i called u but ur mbl was not reachable...

sanskar : what is d need to came here...

Ragini : papa took me, what can i do...

sanskar : how can i stay these 5days without u...

Ragini smiles nd hugs sanskar nd said only these 5days after that i will never ever leave u...he too hugs her back...

Ragini (brks d hug ):now go i should change dress...

sanskar:u r looking beautiful in this saying he moves close to her neck nd sucked water drop on her neck.....

Ragini : sa..n..skar

Sanskar pulls her coat frm her shoulder nd bites there..

Ragini:sanskar..pl..z go let.. me change..

sanskar :i will hepl u saying he holds her waist tightly nd abou to untie her bathrobe knot..

ragini stops him nd pushed him..

sanskar : y did u pushed me.i will help u..

ragini : i will change myself u go...

sanskar :no i wont go...

ragini : k u stay here saying she takes her clothes nd went to washroom...

sanskar shouts ..this is not fair...ragini smiles...after changing she comes out nd sees sanskar was sitting with pout..ragini goes to him nd pecks his lips while saying sorry..

Sanskar:i will not leave u like this after our marriage

Ragini:i too wont stop u..then

Sanskar  biggered his eyes nd looks at ragini

Ragini smiles..

Sanskar:my naughty wify..

Ragini:now go..swalak must be waiting..

Sanskar nodded

They both went to swalak...they had dinner there nd sanlak leaves to mm..

@ragini room
Ragini  lay down on bed nd remebers ragsan moments..then she gets a call frm sanskar..


Ragini:ok.. gud night
Sanskarr:im not getting sleep
Ragini:but im sleepy
Sanskar:k give me my gd night kiss then sleep
Ragini:i gave it na
Sanskar:i want one more
Ragini:she kissed him(in mbl)
Sanskar :i want one more
Ragini gave another kiss
Sanskar:one more
Ragini: sanskar!
Sanskar:u gave two kisses those r for my cheeks..give for my lips
Ragini(smiless) nd gave another kiss..
Sanskar:for my neck
Ragini gave another kiss
Then sanskar gave a kiss nd says it is ur beautifully belly...ragini blushes..after some romantic talk they dozzed off...

I Love u Mrs Ragini Sanskar Maheswari #MMSA2017Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt