Chapter Fifty-nine

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"DIMKA! What the fuck?"

I opened my eyes in confusion. I was lying in bed with Dimitri. More like on Dimitri, actually. He was on his back, and I was on my side. My head was resting on his shoulder, and I'd flung a leg over his hips while we slept. It was hot in the room, and airless. I couldn't feel where the covers were, but they certainly weren't over us. The two of us were tangled together, naked as the day we were born!

"Tasha?" I asked stupidly, seeing as she was standing in the doorway, Paul standing behind her with a fearful expression.

"What are you doing in bed with him? Did you have sex?!" she loudly demanded.

By now Dimitri had woken, grasping my leg just as I was about to move away from him - which I quickly appreciated would have left his private region exposed.

"For Vlad's sake, Tasha! Can you stop shouting?" he grumbled, not happy about being woken up, particularly in such a compromising position.

Pulling a pillow from the head of the bed, Dimitri positioned it over his privates, passing another to me so I could put it in front of me to cover myself.

"Tasha, can you give us a moment so we can get dressed?"

She stood in the doorway furiously, shooting both of us daggers.

"Close the door - we'd like to get dressed!" Dimitri repeated a bit more forcefully.

What he said sinking in, Tasha reluctantly stood aside, shutting the door to give us our privacy.

Dimitri stood up and groaned. It was just past 8 am, and it had been late by the time we'd finished our amorous activities for the night. Last night had been perfect, and we'd both hoped for a sleep in and then maybe some more lovemaking before a leisurely brunch. An incensed wanna-be lover turning up early hadn't been on our agenda.

"Did you want me to stay or go?" I asked softly as we slipped into sweatpants. Dimitri pulled on a TShirt, while I picked a cute black spaghetti strap singlet top that I knew made my tits look fantastic. If I had to face her, I was going to make sure I did it looking good!

"Stay. She knows, now. It's all over except the crying," he predicted.

Dressed, Dimitri paused to give me a long sweet kiss.

"I'm not ashamed of loving you, Roza. I'm not going to apologize."

"I don't expect you to." Last night had been a night of rebellion. The first of hopefully many nights spent together as a lawful, loving couple. I gave him a final peck on the lips. "Let's do this."

Dimitri opened the door, and the two of us stepped out, finding an irate Tasha standing near the window by the kitchenette.

"Sorry – we weren't expecting anyone so early," I yawned, as though Tasha hadn't just busted us in bed together. Reminding myself that Dimitri and I had done nothing wrong, I deliberately kept it friendly and casual. "Do you want a coffee?"

"No thank you," Tasha said in an arctic tone.

"I will thanks, Roza." There was the usual affectionate tone in Dimitri's voice when he said the Russian version of my name, and Tasha looked even more incensed when she heard it.

"What the hell happened here last night?" Tasha shouted, any attempt at self-control completely lost once she heard Dimitri's loving tone toward me. "Are you fucking your student?"

"Not in front of my nephew," Dimitri growled furiously, showing anger for the first time. "Give us a moment."

The shouting must have woken Eddie because the door to his room opened, a bare-chested Eddie stepping out clad only in sweatpants, holding his stake. Right behind him was Meredith wearing a large TShirt and a pair of sweatpants I recognized as Eddie's. She was also armed.

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