The Dying Of Innocence

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First story, tell me what you think? Just a warning, it might get slightly dark later on. I'm still learning about how this posting workings so... :D 

~Dedicated for the awesome editing~



“New town, new start, okay?” Mom reminded me for what had to be the tenth time in the past hour.

“Yes mom!” I sighed and gazed out the car window at the landscape whizzing past. Deep lush forest rushed by as the road twisted and curved. It seemed endless, with all the trees spreading for miles and miles. Every second took us further and further away from my childhood home town and closer to our new life in the big city.

Silently I replayed the last two days events in my head. Finishing grade eleven, the car accident, dad leaving us, mom forcing me to pack up and us leaving.

I want to go home. I don't want to leave. Not yet, I thought bitterly. No, don't think about it; don't think about anything, I willed myself. It was the truth though, I didn't want to leave. And I especially didn't want to leave without saying good bye to everyone. Birchville was my everything, my home town, my school, my life. It’s where I grew up; I never lived anywhere else. It was secluded, nestled in the mountains. Surrounded by seemingly endless forests, it was my safety net, my comfort zone. 

The Birchville community was small and friendly; only about five hundred people lived there year round. In the warmer summer months hikers and adventure seekers would come to see the beautiful temperate rain forest and crystal clear water falls. It was the kind of place where nothing that exciting happened. The only time we were on the news was when two people died on the same day going over one of the falls, and that happened over twenty years ago.

For goodness sakes, I didn't even know where we were going. Mom wouldn't tell me, no matter how much I begged. We just drove and drove. The further we went, the more panicky I got. I hate change. I don't see why we need it, why can't we just stay in the place we were okay in? Routine is good, nothing can go wrong. It’s always the same.

Yet despite my inner turmoil I kept quiet. This isn't about me, it's about mom. She needs this. I can do something for her; she's been doing everything she can for me for seventeen years.

Too soon we were on the highway, speeding toward our new life. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2012 ⏰

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