Chapter 2

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Breakfast time! Everybody out!" May called. "Breakfast, you guys."

Alec, Jacob, and three of their little mice friends poked their heads out one of the windows the second they heard the word 'breakfast'. They sniffed the air of fresh cheese crumbs and their eyes lit up. In the yard, the mice could see a large group of chickens happily flying out of their coops and over to Tori as she handed out the breakfast. the feathered creatures didn't waste any time before scratching and pecking at the ground as they tried grabbing their share before any other visitors...mainly the mice. It was this time of the morning that things tended to get a little short of hectic. And it was about to be revealed why.

"C'mon guys! Breakfy time! I'm starving!" Alec exclaimed as he was the first to turn around and head into the kitchen through their mouse holes. Three of the mice shortly followed, but Jacob poked his head out the window again.

"Breakfy?" he asked.

Seeing that Jacob wasn't with them so quickly, Alec quickly turned around to bring Jacob with them. "C'mon, Jay! Breakfy time."

"Breakfy?" Jacob repeated, confused. He scratched his head as Alec lightly pulled on his arm, signaling Jacob to follow him. Then Jacob chuckled with content. "Oooh, breakfy!"

The small group eagerly began making their way through the mouse hole down to the kitchen. The jumped from one ledge to another, swung down from nails in the walls, even slid down mini ramps. It was no time at all before they were at the hole that led to the kitchen. Making his way to the front again, Andre was the first one out. He was more than happy to head out and grab some food...but then he saw one little problem. Or rather, one big problem that had him stopping dead in his tracks. Alec's mouth dropped open, but he quickly snapped out of his thoughts when the rest of his comrades ran right into him, almost creating a row of mouse dominoes.

"It Lucifer!" Alec gasped, seeing Lucifer laying at his milk bowl facing the door.

"How we gonna get out?" one of the mice ask.

"We gotta bwainstorm. C'mon." Alec replied, rushing back into the hole.

The other mice followed, though Jacob, not realizing what was going on, almost walked right over to Alec just to try and get out the door. Luckily before he could get very far, Alec pulled him back into the mouse hole.

"Sh, sh. Carefy." Alec said quietly, warning the group to be careful as they pulled Jacob in. They couldn't risk Lucifer hearing them, especially this early. Then they'd never get breakfast. Alec took a moment to twitch his nose and think, so he could come up with a good idea. There had to be some way to lose Lucifer. Now there were plenty of holes in the walls...Lucifer was way too big to fit through any of them...and they all had to get breakfast somehow... That was it! Alec turned to his friends. "Listen, guys. I gotta idea. Now somebody gotta sneak out..." he pointed out the hole and over to Lucifer, "get Lucifer's attention, run over to corner..." he pointed to a corner not too far from their hole where there's a broom and a hole in the wall the right and left of it, "...and keep em dere. And we all run out. Got it?"

This was why Alec was the leader. He always had the best plans. It was just a shame that they had to revolve around food so much. The mice happily agreed.

"Yup yup. Yup." they all nodded.

"Now we choose da one to do it," Alec told them. "And a hup!" He jumped and spun around so his tail was facing the mice.

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