The Journey Begins

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"Mom! Thanks for the Minecraft account!" As ZachGordan ran up to his room.

As he was running up the stairs he was thinking: 'OMG what skin should I use should I have a cape, what server will I play urgghh.'

Zach did not notice the skateboard on the floor and tripped and fell into deep sleep........

As Zach was clearing his vision he saw a block shadow, when he look at his hand he was shock and said, "Ahhhh! What In the notch is wrong with me." The Block Guy in front of him said: "Hello There I'm ur brother remember me?" He speaks in bold words.
Zach's POV :

'Is this a dream or a adventure I lost my brother when he died in a tornado just to save me from it, its impossible' The guy suddenly say :" Brother we are in Minecraft world called 'Trapped In Island' I know what in the world are u thinking as I'm dead its impossible to see me".

I said: "Is it really u?"

Like always my brother will slap hard on my back and say 'Zu Wee Mama!'

I said: "That hurt alot !"

My Brother pulled me up.

And said, :"Yea it hurts when I got here I went adventure and found this 2 guy and girl and BTW ur name tag is kinda weird..."

The Girl said: "Hi I'm Ashley Voilet but know as RestoneGirl nice to meet u Zach."

The other guy said:" U *Gobbles On cheese burger* My Name Ish KuNgAngCuB *crums Flew out of his mouth right into my face*"

I said: "Yuck! What an nasty dirty dude u have there."

My Bro said: "Cmon let's go and show u what we done this years here we found land its a jungle I've heard that only a brave warrior that reports to the kingdom near there will train and be chosen to fight 'HEROBRINE' so we've decided that we are going on a journey there and RedStoneGirl will set a teleporter here and we set off, but first get as much loot as u can."

Author's Note:
Guys Pls leave a comment saying what should I add and I'll change much★♥ love doods hope u enjoy and take care so for the nest chapter what Theme theres 2 chioces 1The Journey Started 2Gethering
Loots pls vote for 1 or 2 and thx!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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