I only made it a few feet from our table though before I felt Brian's arms go around my waist as he turned me in to him and cupped my head against his chest "Come on baby girl...come sit down" he said softly before pulling me back towards the table. Wordlessly I sat down in between Jimmy and Brian and while normal conversation returned to the table I was unable to eat anything and threw everything out, untouched. "Baby" Brian stated sadly as he watched me toss my food away.

      "You didn't eat angel" he crooned sadly to me before pulling me off to the side into a recessed doorway. "Please don't be sad, I didn't take it to heart this morning. I was just trying to think what was best for you and I thought maybe if your dad got what he wanted he might be easier on you...but I really don't want you to go" he said softly as he held my face in his hands.

      "Brian can we just start over? I'm not even sad about dad...I'm sad that I was so snotty to you, you've been nothing but wonderful to me and I was such a bitch this morning. How can you stand me?" I lamented as I dropped my eyes to his throat since he still kept my face captive. "Because" Brian said softly with a grin "You're my wife that's why" he stated with a goofy smirk on his face as he said the word 'wife' before leaning in to place tender kisses to my lips over and over again.

      "And because I love you...and because you're amazing in bed" he teased as a smile broke across my face making me giggle softly. "Come on, we have to get to Biology" he said softly and pulled me out from our hiding spot and down the hall where Jimmy stood outside the door waiting "All better now Georgia?" he said with a smile as we walked back to our lab table. "All better" I said with a smile as we sat down and Brian placed a soft kiss to my cheek.

      Later that night at home dad and I got into a huge argument over Brian mostly "Ever since you got with him and started hanging out with those guys your attitude has changed and I don't like it one bit!" he bellowed at me.

      "Well I don't like how you control my every move! I'm 16! You can't tell me who to be friends with and who to date! And my grades haven't slipped one percentage so you can't say they're affecting my grades either!" I yelled back at him.

      Mom had given up trying to be the voice of reason between us a long time ago and just sat back sadly with tears in her eyes as we continued to yell at each other.

      "You are becoming way too involved with Brian and it's not healthy! You don't have a life apart from him anymore! You two act like a married couple but you're just teenagers!" dads loud booming voice rang out over the living room, I bit back a nasty smile as I almost told dad we were married but knew that would just make the situation worse so I left it be for now.

      "You just can't stand to see me happy I swear! Heaven forbid I don't follow the life map you have planned out for me! Now I see why Wyatt hated you sometimes!" I screamed and with that I stormed out of the house in a flurry before I said any more cruel words.

      As I took off running for Brian's house I could hear my dad bellowing for me to come back but I just ignored him and kept running. I didn't stop until I reached Brian's house and without further thought to the fact that my make-up was running from crying and my hair had come loose from my long ponytail I walked up and knocked on Brian's parents' door. A moment later his dad was opening the door with a smile on his face until he saw my heartbroken appearance then suddenly his smile dropped, he opened the door wider and called for Suzy.

      As soon as Suzy saw me and I saw her I started crying all over again "Oh honey what's wrong?" she crooned as she pulled me down on the couch next to her. McKenna came skipping out just as we sat down and started to come over but Brian's dad scooped her up and told her we had to have women talk first. "Why can't my parents be like you guys?" I sobbed softly as I twisted the ends of my shirt in my hands "Honey why don't you tell me what's wrong okay?" Suzy said softly as Brian Sr. came back in the living room. Slowly, bit by bit I told them everything that went down between my dad and I tonight which led me to telling them about Wyatt and what happened to him.

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